Thursday, August 17, 2006

This Week in Snewo

Mood: Hostile and a bit tempest-filled

Aching Desire Right This Minute: To hear back from the staffing agency about that job I want. I've been on 3 interviews already, and I was told on Monday that they were going to make a decision that day. WHY THE FUC& AREN'T THEY CALLING ME ALREADY?

I'm pleased Right Now Because: I figured out my blog text problem (YAY!) in 10 minutes, and I still have time this morning to post.

The Thing I Utterly Regret Right Now: Yelling at Z this morning. I'm in the midst of a change in mood.

What I'm Reading: "An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness" (Vintage) Kay Redfield Jamison.
Because the M.D. Shrink told me to read it.

What My Reading Material Is Teaching Me: I'm manic-depressive. Or manic-affective. Or something. I can't really figure it out because the damn shrink's receptionist hasn't made me another appointment yet. It's been 3 freaking weeks already. I can't handle this kind of rejection, especially by the shrink's receptionist. I know you can hear her voice now - calm, soothing, with a whole lot of condescension.

What I'm Grateful For This Minute, Because I'm Not Supposed To Just Be Pissed Off: I'm grateful I've had sex in the past 48 hours. I'm grateful I was able to get up this morning after only hitting the snooze button once. I'm grateful I was able to interview and at least behave like I'm not completely insane. I'm grateful I had dinner with: best friend, best-friend little sis, little sis man, little sis newborn (see below), pseudo-stepdaughter-pregnant-teen, pseudo-stepson, Z, Z Momma, Charky, and Z's Second Ex-Wife LAST WEEKEND. I'm grateful that I'm eating shredded wheat this morning, because I can feel my digestive tract oozing all the crap I've been eating. I'm grateful for my family and friends, who seem to be putting up with me fairly well.

Where I wish I was right now, as this damn blog is all about where I want to be: In New Jersey with my best friend and her family, at the beach. I'm pretty resentful I don't get a vacation this year.

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