Friday, November 25, 2005

Emotional Pretzelmaking Part Two

My last move was a bit traumatic. I had lived in my best friend's condo since my divorce. It just didn't go that well. He moved in as well, you see. Anyway, after about a year, he kicked me out. It was scary and horrible and anxiety filled. It was also just right before Christmas, and I was freaked about trying to move in somewhere and still be able to celebrate Christmas. Ugh.

Anyway, in retrospect it seemed to go okay. I managed to get all of my things in about two trips, and not have to spend much time with my friend in-residence. We haven't spoken since, by the way.

I have everything that is mine except for my tarot cards. And that is really weird, to say the least.

I've had the same set of Tarot cards for almost a decade. They are pretty- The Arthurian Tarot deck- and have done me a lot of good. They are a tool. Nothing else. I don't claim to see the future in my deck of cards. What I do see is what I already know. The imagery helps you describe it.

But the deck disappeared. In many circles, that is considered very, very bad luck. I was pissed. I don't feel right about purchasing a new deck until I have some kind of closure occur with the missing deck. It's now been almost two? three? years since I've messed with the Tarot.

I was packing Wednesday when I found an old jewelry box my grandmother gave me. It's the Wizard of Oz - it has a studio still from the movie embedded in the face. I always kept old nothings/nostalgia in it. Like my grandmother's earrings.

But as I opened it, I fruck out some more. Within were the telltale backs of my Tarot card deck - this purplish gold design with celtic looking knots and such. I thought I had hit the jackpot, and my missing deck was now recovered.

Was I wrong. Within were exactly three cards from my deck. Again, in many circles this would be considered a sign also. You aren't supposed to divide your deck unless you are playing with them. Setting aside a few cards in itself could be considered bad luck. You certainly can't use the remainder of the deck until the missing cards have been replaced.

Not many people throw just three cards in Tarot, but it is a pretty simple way to gauge a situation. You can ascribe all kinds of categories to the cards. I prefer to consider the three cards as "Past, Present, and Future".

So you tell me what you think about the three cards that were mysteriously set aside. I really can't see myself as having done that. I prefer to think that someone left three cards behind when cleaning out my deck. (All of my stones, used for spiritual/religious purposes, also disappeared. That is horribly bad luck for the taker, I might add.

The Three Card Deck for 11/23/05:

The Six of Cups (PAST)
(Rider-Whaite devotees may call this "The Lord of Pleasure")

Basic Interpretation: Beginning of wish, happiness, success and enjoyment.

Wider Meaning: Harmony, past associations have brought present relationships. A sense of the past. Happiness that results from past efforts. Pleasant memories and the realization of a dream. Can also indicate new elements entering one's life which are linked to the past, which will work through the present to create the future.

The Grail Lance (PRESENT)
(Rider-Whaite devotees may call this the Ace of Spears)

Basic Interpretation: A new enterprise or creative activity. Use of the will and of will power. The drive to get things done. Harnessing all accomplishing action. The spark that explodes in the dark. Great opportunity. Beginning of change or growth. Conception of life. Knowing things you can’t fully express or intellectually know.

Wider Meaning: Executive Responsibilities. Proving one’s self capable of managing a large project. Exerting authority. Brainstorming, contemplating, and putting forth ideas for consideration. Planning for the future. Courage and maturity. Using all of one’s talents to achieve a communal vision. Employing intuitive insights to assist with decision making. A capable leader, and one who is governed by honorable motives.

The Hierophant (FUTURE)

Basic Interpretation: To be ruled by convention. Continuing the process, Ancient Grace. Manifestation of Knowledge. Priest of Mystery School. Spiritual Discipline. Organized Religion. Societies Rules. Wisdom with structure. Search for truth and understanding. Conforms and diligently searches for truth. Position that serves society. The Hierophant (or High Priest) deals with worldly problems. He strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist.

The Hierophant is the archetypal representative of all physicians, healers, teachers, and counsellors who try to help others. Outwardly The Hierophant may appear in the guise of a concerned friend or therapist, or as a book of learning, or else inwardly as a small voice directing a person’s understanding and healing.

How bout them apples?

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