Monday, October 09, 2006

My New Rules (Professional Version)

I was fired today. For the first time in my entire life. Wow. It really sucks. I hadn't a clue.

So here are the New Rules. Professional Version.

1. I, Snewo, promise to never work for another attorney, ever again. If said attorney has hereby revoked their J.D. and become a real person, we may talk. But I may be burnt out forever on em.

2. At the first sign that my future supervisor:
- Refuses to accept responsibility for their mistakes, and blame me;
- Makes unreasonable determinations about my "skillset", not taking into account my
actual said "skillset" and/or learning curve;
- Refuses to say anything positive and concentrates solely on the negative;
- Very quickly shows that they are unable to develop any relationship or repore with the
other coworkers.....
I, Snewo, will immediately start looking for another job.

I assume I'll come up with more, but I didn't want to go all ballistic and hay-wired about what I've learned.

Working really sucks, you know it? What happened to making mistakes and not feeling like you have to hide it, or be ashamed of it, or blame someone else? I heard one of my favorite editorialists on NPR this morning, doing his personal perspective on "This I Believe". He talked about how he didn't feel that we should wish for perfection, but instead wish for failure.

Look at what we learn by putting our asses on the line. Taking a chance. Doing it differently for once, just to see what you learn and what you come up with.

If I hadn't have heard Jay Carroll's "This I Believe", I doubt I would feel as sane as I do right now. Don't get me wrong - I want to go home, watch a Nip/Tuck marathon, and drink beer - eat pizza. But I probably won't do that. Drink beer, that is.

Keep reminding me in the future that I promised I would keep it together. Maybe I'm just stunned right now. Not realizing the financial implications. Not realizing what this has done for my mental health.

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