Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Let me tell you about my favorite thing: Me

Just in case I don't update y'all enough about who I am where I am and where I'm going....let me tell you some more.

I'm fucking tired of all you people acting like adults. Quit being so damn serious. Open your heart up and drop your guard. Dump all of that bullshit you call baggage and smile a little. Laugh at how stupid you are.

Eat a lollipop. Or better yet, an ice cream cone. And don't you dare count the fat grams or calories. Just eat it. And enjoy that feeling you had as a little kid, on a windy fall day, when a ice cream cone could make you feel giggly.

Turn on some old school funk and shake your butt. In front of adults. Preferably in front of a restaurant. With a friend. Shake and shake and shake until your thighs hurt and the corners of your mouth sting from giggling and smiling too much. Enjoy the cheers and applauds you get from onlookers.

Pull a Calvin and draw a picture of black bears attacking a black forest campground at midnight - and borrow your kid's black crayon. Laugh some more, because your crayola pictures still suck.

Call someone out of the blue that you haven't talked to in a long time. Apologize/make amends/or whatever, then tell them how wonderful they are. Like a little kid, offer one of your new favorite toys. Like your ipod. Or your new CD. Laugh because you aren't so serious you feel comfortable enough with yourself to call someone unexpectedly like that.

Find a former flame on MySpace. Preferably someone who you still kind of have bad blood with. Tell them they are great, because they helped make you who you are. You wouldn't be the most fantastic lover in the world without them. Then laugh, because I know that person made you smile once. You can still think they are funny.

I forgive all of you out there who are unable to live your miserable little pathetic existences without any glee. Or joy. Or laughter. Those of you who choose to be adult about everything. You can't even laugh about burping, or passing gas anymore. What fun are you?

I forgive all of you out there who "grew up and found out who I am". If you did, your life is half over and there isn't much left to enjoy. You are a constantly evolving changing creature who will never, ever stop learning and loving and laughing. Because when you do, you die.

So chase a fucking butterfly, shake your ass at strangers, and put your hair into pigtails. Because you can. And it feels sooooo much better to enjoy this life than it does to pretend, doesn't it?

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At Thursday, September 21, 2006 12:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Life is just too damn short to have "grown up." Life should be enjoyed.

I started reading your blog way back when you said that my blog was full of "angst, uncertainty, and unhappiness." It still is sometimes, but I try to enjoy life more, too.

At Thursday, September 21, 2006 9:18:00 PM, Blogger taboot said...

thank you...

and when you are dancing with friends in front of resturants, IHOP is a wise choice :):)

and rain showers should always be least for you and me. :)

love you.


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