Thursday, October 12, 2006

Unemployed: Day 3

Hi Kids!

Now that we have the opportunity to savor being unemployed, let's do a rundown about what I've been doing! You can get some inspiration for your future, when you decide to give in, collect disability, move into the fixed-income housing project, and collect food stamps. Just kidding.

1. Continue/Begin Maintaining your Physical Health, Because Nobody Likes a Fatass:

I actually ran with the doggie-from-hell (62 lbs. and 6 months...and counting) for 45 minutes
yesterday. Felt great, and wore me out, which I needed.

2. Begin a Sleep Schedule the Way Your Body's Natural Rythms work, a la Organic Natural Health Food Junkies Lifestyles:

Night before last I took two benadryl and one ambien and fell asleep at 11:00PM, after Nip/Tuck. I woke up yesterday at 1 PM. In the afternoon. Jeez. I don't think normal people sleep 14 hours but it sure felt good.

3. Come up with Multiple Ways to Make $$$. First, Rely on Your Private Resources. Then Hit Up the Public Dole:

So I was a good girl, and worked on my financial well-being yesterday. I harassed the medical insurance people (Have I mentioned how badly United Healthcare sucks? Their customer service representatives are rude and unwilling to think logically. What happened to customers coming first?) to try and get them to send me a fucking "Certificate of Coverage". I need this stupid certificate in order to get my current insurer (Blue Cross / Blue Shield, at least until the end of the month) to accept my pre-existing conditions. Which I need BCBS to do, since I'm almost out of insulin and I have new mental health prescriptions. I can't afford to pay out of pocket for them (probably $250) so I need UHC to help me out. Which they seem unwilling to do. "Well I can put in a request to have the certificate faxed to you, but otherwise it will be'll receive it in 10-15 working days..." Fucking Bitches.

I also sucked my pride up and signed the waiver form provided by the firing employer, so that I can get my severance. I agreed not to sue them. Ouch. This is the first time in my life that I've actually wanted to sue somebody (other than the Crittersville hospital for my traumatic experience having a C-section with no pain meds). I mean, I gave up a job of 3 years to come work for these people. A job where my satan boss was an ass, but was pretty good at keeping my high-maintenance self happy. Fuckers. I'm such a freak when it comes to torts, I generally don't believe anybody should be able to wantonly sue anybody they want for "pain and suffering". But Jesus. Talk about hard knocks. I'm a single mom with no child support, for fucks sake.

Oh, and a friend of mine sent me an email a couple of weeks ago listing all of these market-research study companies in Atlanta. She has made $1k in the past month just doing these research studies, answering questions about the detergent she uses and the fast food she buys. I put myself on a few mailing lists...we'll see how the "Guinea-Pig" project goes.

4. Exercise your Creative Self. Don't Neglect Your Need to Express Yourself in Healthy Ways.

I made enchiladas verde yesterday - (yum for the low-fat version!) and I made Z white chocolate-cranberry cookies. And had a good time doing both. Snewo is the modern Betty Crocker, you know. I have mad-cooking skills.

5. Keep an Eye on Your Sobriety - In Times Like This, You really Want a Gallon Bottle of Smirnoff:

So I went to an AA meeting yesterday, and cried for the first time about getting fired. Yick. I'm starting to behave like one of those pathetic individuals screaming out for hugs.

6. Visit Your Physician, Especially About Your Mental Health:

On Tuesday I kept my Psychiatrist Appt, and got new drugs....I'll soon be off antidepressants, people! Which means my sex drive will come back! Whoopee! Anyone ever heard of "Lamictal"? Me neither. But it's a "mood stabilizer", and that's what I'm on. Okey-dokey.

7. Spend Time With Your Children, They Grow Up So Fast:

Although I haven't been able to wake up and send Charlotte off to school since Tuesday, I've been picking her up from school and doing her homework with her. And surprisingly, since I'm so numb emotionally, she isn't driving me nuts. I've actually been listening to her yap, and I'm not particularly bothered.

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