Friday, March 11, 2005

I keep meeting these men I just can't stand. For example, I met this man this week who is actually working at a job that I would kill for. He is the biggest as&$%le of my month. I think we will start something new around here. Instead of employee of the month, Anywhere But Here is now going to award the As&$ole of the Month award.

This month, the award goes to Mr. Medical Researcher. ( Disaster preparedness/AIDS epidemic/9-11 medical response, etc.) I would so post his 2.5 pg. Curriculum Vitae (which basically states his accomplishments, over, and over, and over.....) but I will get busted and I do need his help for the next 5 weeks.

Mr. Medical Researcher is on the black and white page. If it doesn't fall on the black and white page, then he doesn't

A. Believe it exists;
B. Think you should think it exists;
C. Believe he is willing to accept that anyone with a brain would
possibly think it exists.

Example: Mr. Medical Researcher (Don't give him too much credit. He isn't an M.D.) believes that because no scientific evidence exists that purports the positive effects of herbs, herbs are bad, don't work, and are a scam.


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