Monday, April 24, 2006

Anti-Vaccination Movement Gets A New Spokesman

So I've mentioned my tribulations with the anti-vaccination movement, what with all the people around me shouting about the dangers involved, the Pharma conspiracy, and the CDC strike to control the world.

Bah Humbug.

But now - a new, stronger movement is evolving!

You have a new spokesman, people!

When you want to pop painkillers, assault your hot wife, lose $100,000 sports betting, check out child porn on the web, hire prostitutes, and solicit sex online with pictures of your erect penis - while trying to protect his infant from the dangers of vaccinations...............

Call Charlie Sheen. He had the sense to call his chiropractor when his wife wanted to take the baby to the pediatrician for her vaccinations. He is a glowing example of the kind of moral values we are trying to protect here. His dignity in the face of the U.S. establishment/Pro-Pharma movement is incredibly encouraging.

Has someone drawn up a contract for Charlie as the new Anti-Vac spokesperson?

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