Monday, October 16, 2006

Day 10: Unemployed and Slowly Rolling Downhill

Hey Kids! When you're feeling a little wishy-washy about life, don't follow Snewo's lead.

1. Cooking for creativity can thus lead to eating shittily:

So I baked a cake yesterday, for the first time in a couple of years. Earthquake cake - bottom layer of coconut and pecans, top layer of german chocolate cake swirled with cream cheese frosting. Way yummy, but in the midst of my loopiness I made the decision to eat it today for breakfast/lunch. And as we all know eating chocolate cake for your first meal isn't a good idea, I did the eventual. I threw up. Yaaarrrk.

2. Being depressed makes you watch all the TV shows you've missed:

I'm now up to speed on Nip/Tuck, Atlanta Falcons football, The Flavor of Love, Desperate Housewives, and Project Runway. Ultra happy I don't have to go to bed early, because now I can watch the Project Runway finale on Wednesday night, followed by the new Top Chef.

We're sliding into a television mire, people. If I soon report to you about daytime TV it's time to send me back to the loony bin.

3. Basic Hygienics are Important.

I keep forgetting to shower. Z says he knows I don't feel well when I'm not taking my normal baths. Like, 2 per day. And I've been showering every other day, if I'm lucky.

4. Try Not To Get All Excited About Trips To The Grocery Store.

I know this sounds stupid, but when I'm nesting, I'm depressed. And having altogether too good of a time at the grocery store is a good example of nesting. I know all those people thought I was nuts...buying four economy packs of corn tortillas (more enchiladas! Enchiladas for everybody!) 800 rolls of Charmin...

5. Remember your Medication.

I've been too lazy to drive the 3 miles to the pharmacy and refill my wellbutrin, which may explain my mood....

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