Sunday, May 22, 2005

Can't chat long - The Contender is on in 20 minutes. I am an absolute addict. I know the neighbors complain when I start hooting and hollering at about 8:45 PM every Sunday. Great show. I will be destroyed if it doesn't get another season.

Spent the weekend with Zee's 15 year old daughter. Realized what a lovely young adult she has turned out to be. She really has lost all of the teenage crap she was pulling before. Teens are like this lost void in our development - completely wrong about everything and absolutely fierce in their desire to figure out on their own that they are wrong. Zee seemed thrilled by her transformation. Let's hope it lasts, and he isn't crushed by her, as usual.

Hmm..what else. We are going to begin the 96 hour "Starvation 2005" countdown, well, in about 10 minutes. I figure I quit eating after my appt. on Thurs, it will be over around 8 PM. So here we go. Someone please remind me I am craving sushi - need to stop at Ru San's for some California rolls on Tuesday on the way to school. It's kind of funny. You would think I would be out hunting down my favorite things to eat, as if I were going to die. Not true. Not really hungry as of late. I guess I am psychologically preparing myself, on a subconscious level, for absolute disinterest.

Off to watch beautiful men kick eachother's ass. I can't think of a better activity while ironing. Charky is a bit scared, though. When I start screaming and waving the hot iron in the air, she looks at me like I am nuts.


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