Thursday, July 28, 2005


Today we are all going to think something nice about me, because tonight I am going to haggle over this house I want. Please, please wish that the owner wants to sell really badly and can be negotiated with. Please, please hope that nothing is ridiculously wrong...ever since I found out it has a septic tank I have been a bit apprehensive.

I don't have anything else to talk about - it's on the top of my head. I wonder how I will get anything done all day.

Oh wait. Yeah. I've lost 1/2 lb. in 3 weeks, I have no clue why. However, I have now officially begun a Salvation Army pile with not one, but two sizes of clothing. I'm wearing my favorite seersucker pants today, and I am thrilled about it. If I could just convince work to let me wear hot pink flipflops with boa trim, I would be ecstatic. Oh well. At least I have my new baby pink heart satchel to match. I'll have to take a picture of it, it's crazy cute.


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