Saturday, August 06, 2005

Ramblings like an eejit

I discovered a new way to make one of my shakes, and that has been my complete highlight of the week. I had been having 5 orange creamsicle shakes a day. (Mix those orange flavored crystal light powder packets with lime club soda and vanilla ice cream for the same effect - add some protein powder and you can pretend it's halfway good for you). After 3 months, that got a bit stagnant.

A couple weeks back, I went with Z to go hang out with his daughter. They always go to Wendy's after he picks her up - she has a thing for this boy behind the counter. I decided it wasn't in my best interest to be there - even though I absolutely detest Wendy's - so I walked a block to the Quik Trip to get a drink. I decided on a Sobe Lean Green Tea...ended up going back and getting another and dumping my shake powder in there.

So now I have this ridiculous box of Green Tea on my kitchen counter, that holds 1800 teabags or something. My only issue is that I have to treat it like coffee and cut myself off of them by 5 PM because I refuse to drink decaf versions of anything.

I admit it. I'm one of those habit eaters. I find something I like and eat that for 3 months or so before I hate it for a couple of years. I remember one summer I lived off of lemons with sugar and brown rice.

There is something a bit obsessive compulsive and off kilter about this inclination. I mean, why couldn't I be someone who liked to have a bunch of variety, and spice things up? Ugh Oh. Now I am considering how I am living in the box, and I don't shake things up enough, and I am living like some boring accountant with three cats and teapots decorating her kitchen that is bearing a hideous apple wallpaper decor....

I need a beer.

Surely this awfully strange mode of thinking that just took place is a symptom of my 12 hours of sleep last night - I took a pill at about 10 after I got home from the grocery store and ended up passing out at 3. Woke at 3. Strange sleep.

I remember waking at 6 AM, running into the kitchen because I thought I was late to work. Could barely get it together to make a pot of coffee...I kept holding on to the kitchen counter and falling asleep, standing up. Woke up a few minutes later and made just a little bit more progress on the coffee.

I actually managed to get a pot going, and stick a mug of green tea in the nuker for my shakes.

Charky walks into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. "Mommy, can we go to Grandma's already?"

Then I realized. I was a positive idiot, getting ready for work on a Saturday morning. Tucked her in, stumbled back to bed, where Z groaned when I crawled in and broke up his groove.

And that is my story. I am a bit off today.


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