Thursday, February 23, 2006

Life Mirrors Film

"12 Monkeys" is one of my favorite movies, for a lot of reasons. Terry Gilliam, Brad Pitt, Madeleine Stowe, Bruce Willis....

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. When my ex-brother-in-law spouted his wacky theories, I usually just hung up the phone and pretended my cell phone died. Whoops. Did I admit that? Don't tell anybody.

- The holocaust never happened
- Man didn't land on the moon in the '60s
- The mob killed Kennedy
- The tobacco conglomerates will be just fine because they hold reserved rights to sell
marijuana when it becomes legal
- AIDS was created to kill black/gay people
- The flu shot doesn't work
- Vaccines cause autism
- Bio-engineered produce is bad for you (preservatives are another story)

and so on.

I have an amateur knowledge of micro-biology just because I like to hang around with science geeks who are way smarter than I am. So this blogger's post about how you can create smallpox with a few million $ and a couple of months - that scared the piss out of me.

Read about the risk for "12 Monkeys" end-of-the-world scenarios.
Paul Boutin's "Biowar for Dummies"$1439

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