Friday, December 24, 2004

Happy Xmas eve

I am sorry for being such a whiny bitch. My day turned out just fine yesterday and I felt really badly about having a conniption. I went to my dad's house and ended up having a great time. Dad had imbibed to ease his stress - we went riding up and down the block in granny's newly restored ranchero, listening to Buffalo Springfield and generally acting like fools. Sat around and put together Charky's art desk for a couple of hours and ended up philosophizing...

That man needs to have a drink more often. He's great to talk to. I got a little uncomfortable when we started talking about my outrageous tuition that I seem to be determined to pay for myself. You know how those inner thoughts go... $60k in debt builds character, dammit. He insisted that he would pay for it, just let him know when my loan deferment is coming close.

I know that he really likes to make a whole lot of financial promises when he's intoxicated so I really can't count on that, but we had a great conversation anyway. I miss him - I wish we weren't so busy that I only get to see him but rarely.

Charky's art desk went fine... buy from IKEA. The directions were really crappy but somehow everything just seems to fit together perfectly, and looks great when you are done. Dad says the Svedes have it going on and I have to agree.

Leaving on my way to go pick up my pseudo-three year old stepson.

Merry Christmas...


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