Thursday, June 22, 2006

Egad. Life sure is messy, ain't it?

I dunno people. The older I get, the more my mood is regulated by the womanly hormones. NOT THAT YOU PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW, but my period came and I feel remarkably relaxed. The last couple of weeks has been really hard.


Here is an update.

- Spent most of the last 10+ days drunk. Smirnoff drink of choice. Body still feels a little poisoned.

- I've decided that I'll only be a shrink because I'll get paid to do what I'm doing anyway. I've also decided that most of the people I know are psychic/emotional vampires who suck the living breathing soul out of me. Someday may they find some enlightenment and learn about reciprocity. It's normal social procedure to ask how others are doing, too, instead of dumping all of your emotional baggage upon me like I'm some empathic landfill. Fuck you people. You don't love me. You love my listening skills, and my absolute, too-polite inability to interrupt.

- Whereas I began to wonder if I was on the verge of an emotional breakdown, quite unlike any I've been part of before, I feel kind of quiet and zen today. Hope it lasts. I'm prepared, though. Stocked myself for a nice intoxicated ride home if necessary.

- I was deeply relieved to hear that some of my much-needed TV shows are coming back - Project Runway starts in a few weeks and The Apprentice was signed on for a couple more seasons. Just pray that the Donald goes to another day besides Mondays. I hate missing it in order to go to class. And I need my Heidi Klum and that goofy funny gay designer - the one Santino made fun of all the time - what whashisname?

- If you're deeply addicted to mobster movies, as I am (NOTE: I WANT THE GODFATHER COLLECTION. PUT IT IN YOUR GIFT IDEA FOLDER FOR ME.)
You'll really like the book version of Casino. I started it Monday, and I'm almost done. Really interesting to read about the real-life story of those dudes. Even better, you realize how awesome Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci did, mimicking real-person character tics in the movie.

- Am I the only hetero person who is halfway excited about the pics from the upcoming Pride weekend? Somehow, life seems normal when you see a 6 ft. tall tranny wearing a blond bouffant, pink polka dotted bikini, hot-pink fishnets, and 7 inch platforms.

- Speaking of trannys, I was reminded again yesterday that one of my gay friends from the beginning of time (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) once adopted my name as their drag-queen persona. Insert my first name, then add "LaRue". Stop laughing, dammit. It's not funny. I don't care if you said you needed my name because you wanted to honor me. I'm not Marilyn or Judy Garland, dammit. You fags need to love me from afar. Taking my name as your draggy act is not kosher.

- I need a doggie. Bad. My dad picked up a stray last weekend and all I think about lately is cuddling with a doggie.

- My hair got suddenly ugly and I have a hankering to chop it off.

- I was dancing drunk in the pool last night and my daughter told me to "knock off that girly stuff let's play ninjas". Help. Just what is wrong with dancing in the pool? Do I need to be afraid because she already tells me how she wishes she were a boy?

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