Signs of Brainwashing at an Early Age
My daughter is in this phase...she likes to tell you she hates something if she knows you love it. So last week, all we heard was "I'm a Republican". "I'm voting for John McCain". When we explained that she can't vote, she told us: "Well I'm campaigning for McCain".
Apparently this is working both ways. She very adamantly declared to my neo-con mother this weekend: "I'm a democrat". "I love Barack Obama".
My mother calls me this morning to instruct me: "We need to make sure Charky gets exposure to all sides. Please make sure she gets to see Sarah Palin speak at the RNC".
I explained that Z and I will watch as much of the RNC as we can stand, but that I don't want to talk about Gov. Palin because I can't stand her. But yes, as long as a speech is taking place before bedtime, Charky can watch.
While it truly pissed me off when Charky told me she was a Republican, even though I knew what she was doing, the whole thing has made me feel better knowing she's giving my mother an equal amount of grief. It's not just me.
Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Republicans.

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Nothing is wrong with being a republican. You once claimed to vote that way. Nothing is wrong with being a democrat either...teach her all sides, but also teach her that you don't have to be a certain way to vote a certain way. You vote for the person best for the job, regardless of their political affiliation.
love you. i'm opinionated today. it's hormonal. it'll pass.
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