Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Lincoln is Saved

I'm really big on news that makes me laugh. It seems very few journalists have that capability anymore. For example, I recently clicked on a blurb from my RSS feed that discussed another teacher getting busted for nailing a student. Not only was this FL teacher hideous, making me feel incredibly sorry for the kid and permanently maiming any possible bragging rights he could've gleaned, but the rest of the headlines on this particular page were equally groan-inducing:

* Gator Swallows Two-Year Old, Spits Out Hairbow;
* Retired Couple Die in Fiery Arson/Suicide - Only
Dentures Remain;
* Cruise Ship Leaves Cubans in Dinghy - "Drunken Cruise"
Radio Listeners Vomit In Water;
* Serial Rapist Captured - Suspect Caught With Blow Up
Doll in Sex Shop

And so on. You get the point.

Anyway, today I burst out laughing at this article regarding Lincoln Motors. Apparently Lincoln has figured out why its sales have been in a muggy slump. It's the names of the cars, you see.

Read the article, and laugh:

Am I the only idiot out there who can't remember acronym letters for new car models? I'm a vintage car buff, I admit. Very few modern vehicles make me cream. There is something nostalgic and awe-inducing about old cars...even their names symbolically evoked the beauty of the design...Catalina...

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