Saturday, September 09, 2006


Yesterday was the last day at my old job. Very, very weird. My boss admitted that in a recent management survey, all of his employees found that he was a manipulator and a rule-follower. Hmmph.

I guess I'll tell more when the excitement fades. I'm still a little overwhelmed by the whole thing.

Yesterday was also Z's birthday. We went to chinese, where my daughter distracted us with her tales of how she was bad. I didn't know first graders cheat on tests, but they do. And now I need SuperNanny to come visit my house.

Yesterday I also freaked out and wanted to get drunk. Hard. With a whole lot of vodka. And limes. Dammit. I'm on Day 66 without alcohol, and I admit that this is much harder than I thought.


So I'm also trying to figure out what I'm going to do with myself for my week off of work. The only thing I've come up with is a lot of long, meditative walks where I make my body hurt. Because I like that. The inner sadist in me doesn't feel like I'm doing any good if it doesn't hurt. Bleh.

Now I have to go buy Charky glasses and find Z's birthday present. Wish me luck. I'm hanging in here.

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