Wednesday, December 20, 2006

An Xmas Puppy

First of all: It was only in the past few years that someone told me that calling Christmas "Xmas" is demonic and devil-related. I don't know what the fu&k you're talking about. My recent statistics professor (one of those poor, really smart people who don't have a chin and wear glasses as thick as SUV tires) explained that the X in Greek stood for Christ. If you turn the X a little bit it looks like a cross, you see.

So if someone can please explain why "Xmas" is related to Satan, I'd really appreciate it.

Anyway, I'm obsessed with puppies. Z put this screensaver on his monitor - an itty bitty dachshund puppy with these sad, drippy eyes that need a kleenex. You just want to reach out with your OCD self and wipe away those eye-boogies.

I don't have much money right now - I've actually managed to drag out 3 months of household expenses into a good 6 month package - yay me. I've spent no more than $10 on Xmas presents for each person. Which has gone a long way, I want you to know. I bought my mom this kewpie crap on ebay, which she'll probably hide in some cardboard box because she has this monastic buddhist thing going on right now. I sewed clothes for Charky's puppy. I bought Dad this awesome book you need to check it out: "Sky Maul: Happy Crap You Can Buy From A Plane". It's based on that fracked up Sky Mall magazine you read on the airplane - you know, the one with all the MacGuyver crap. Here is the link because I've already got mine ( And so on and so forth.

Z's been moaning about wanting this perfect little dog for more than a year. He describes it in great detail - it's almost like this dog is visiting his subconscious or something. It basically looks like a tiny miniature pinscher/rat terrier mix. But cuter.

So I thought I would check out animal shelters for puppies, since I'm now obsessed with this itty-bitty doxie on his monitor. I don't believe in purebreds, or buying animals from breeders. Just an opinion.

First, let me tell you that everyone wants a freaking puppy for xmas. Finding a puppy in an animal shelter is ridiculously hard.

Second, as a rabid almost-tree-hugging, yet fiscally conservative and hates the smell of pot-smoke pseudo hippie, it's my duty to give you two awesome links for animal shelters nationwide. You can stick in your query and they'll pull up matching animal shelter animals ( Like Dog/Terrier Mix/Male/Small/Puppy/30120).


I found a bunch of puppies that are way cute. I sent them to Z via email. He gets all commitment phobic on me, whining and bitching about how we don't need a dog, we aren't ready.

By the way, I have a total manic-depressive addictive theory on relationships and "being ready". This is for all you people out there waiting to get married until you're in your 40s. When you have money and are financially responsible and all that shit. YOU ARE NEVER READY BECAUSE LIFE IS MESSIER THAN THAT. If you're a halfway nice person you can get over the "not being ready" bit and stick it out for the long haul, unless your spouse lies / cheats/ steals/ commits a felony.

So I now have this freaking little puppy faces stuck in my head. I even dreamed about one last night. And I'm tired of spending $60 a week in gas driving back and forth to my parents house to walk their dog. I'm even contemplating dog-walking as a career path now, since I'm up to walking 2 hours a day and I like it. A la "In Her Shoes", one of the few chick books I liked.

Z changed his screensaver, by the way.

And now I'm puppy-less and a little ticked off. I feel it's his fault, and that I now need a dog more than he does. I'm ticked that he and I err on the side of caution now a days, whereas our family members and friends are embracing spontanaeity. Which is a lot of fun, by the way.

Remember, if you get your feelings hurt by my blog postings that is your fuc*ing problem.

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