Good Earth
A long, long time ago, I lived in a greater state of consciousness and plasticity called California. I've noticed that many popular ideas start in that crazy state and then slowly trickle down to the other 48 (Hawaii is on its own always). I think it's mostly because Californians are crazy in a zany hyper way. Always coming up with an idea of what is supposed to be -which explains why we aren't happy- which also explains what we need to get rid of- oh my god aerosol cans are bad for the environment and my hair just won't stay with that stupid pumpie thing - i reach a state of enlightenment when i go to that spin class let's make an appt for forever with steve- do i seem fake?
In California is a chain of restaurants called "The Good Earth". From browsing the web I see it's become a little passe', which is typical for California's 2 year attention span. When I remember it, I specifically remember the location in Westwood (near UCLA, so we could bop over there after visiting the Doctor) and in Palo Alto (same idea, when visiting Doctors at Stanford).
Good Earth was a chain hippie restaurant with vegan/vegetarian food that was actually pretty good. If I had a chef making me their food every day I would totally go vegan. But that is besides the point. And my love for the decor incepted my passion for color...kind of antiquity mexican but closer to laid-back key west bahamian. Color makes us feel good. Without it, in those sparing drab modernist crap enviroscapes promoted by bad people, we are not passionate. We are zombies like Ed Norton's character in "Fight Club" contemplating the new item in the IKEA catalog.
Back to the Good Earth.
There was a distinct smell in there. Like spices only recently discovered in India or the tropics that we absolutely can't do without. It was intoxicating and calming and settled your anxious pathetic little worries. I remember my Dad, workaholic Type A, visibly chilling out and letting us just sit and marinate in a booth there. For over an hour. I've never known the man to appreciate a restaurant that way.
My point is this: I ran out of coffee, and I'm too lazy to go buy any. I actually just realized that I haven't left the house in 2 days. Whatever.
I have a box of Good Earth tea, which they sell at Ingles Publix Kroger whatever. It's just in the stinking tea aisle. Get the original blend, and smell the box. It's decaffeinated but I guess I don't care I'm pretending I'm on an ashram and am de-toxifying so it's okay I'm totally craving a cigarette and a triple espresso.
Oh, and if you're interested, read about Good Earth and the inception of Macintosh.
and then you can truly understand the Good Earth's impact on pop california-hippie culture.

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