Sunday, May 20, 2007

An A-Z; Pre-Wedding

I'm pondering:

A. How to complete a fourth and fifth step and feel like I've hit all my bases...if you aren't familiar with the fifth step, here they are:


Made a searching and fearless personal inventory of ourselves.
Admitted to our Higher Power, to ourselves, and to another human being, the exact nature of our wrongs.

B. Meeting and having the coolest sponsor ever...she's like me but wilder.

C. Writing wedding vows, we're having a few differences of opinion.

D. Filling sachets with lavender

E. What to do with the other 4 lb. of lavender

F. Why I got into a spat with a girl at work Friday...I was actually pretty cool about it. My quote, repeated calmly three times:

" You have no right to be angry. You have no right to speak with me that way."

G. Why the stupid colorist did as good of a job as I do myself, and I paid $85

H. How to get myself a massage this week, because I'm dying here and it would be a great pre-wedding present for Z and I

I. How to get my kid to sit still and have her hair done

J. How to make $50,000 this month at work. We're at 30....and eking along.

K. What the shrink will say about my kid when they meet Tues.

L. How my Mom needs help planning a wedding grocery list

M. How excited I am that all these people are cool enough to want to come to my wedding.

N. How to make signs for the road that help people find the wedding, and how funny it is that Z's ex-wife's parents moved a 1/4 mile down the road from my parents house...hence, they'll see the signs. He wants to leave them up for a week or so.

O. How he made me change my last name.

P. Did I mention I'm getting married in 6 days? Do you know how overwhelming, freaked out, and excited I am all at once?

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