Monday, August 06, 2007

19 Special Gifts from God is a bit egocentric, eh?

The article about the Duggar family's 19th child being born was on Yahoo news last week, and I absolutely flipped my lid. 19 children. All natural-born. None adopted.

"Meet the Duggar Family"

I absolutely cannot believe that they are all over the press - on Good Morning America and etc. - because this is unique and wonderful and in their words "special gifts from God".

Who is going to be the outspoken individual, who hasn't been brainwashed into this bullshit groupthink, who will tell the Duggars that their choice to have 19 gifts is absolutely immoral and inhumane?

Someone - I'm thinking Bill Gates here - needs to take these idiots to a couple of orphanages, soup kitchens, and abused women shelters so that they can get a grip. No need to go to Darfur or Malawi, unless you think it will help draw light on the bleak human condition world-wide. Just show them the poor and unwanted right here in the good ol' U.S.A. The Duggars are from Arkansas, right? I'm sure there are a ton of meth babies in orphanages there that need someone to love them.

They obviously have money - they live in a 7,000 sq. ft home. These people now owe a much greater obligation to mankind. They brought another 19 individuals into this world to share their values and morals with. Obviously their children won't be raised to focus on charity and helping's all about spawning your own loin seed and raising your own mini-cult.

Can someone get a grip here with me and tell the Duggars how irresponsible they are? How reckless? How unsympathetic they seem to their fellow man?

Other than ego (and it sounds like they do want to be listed in the Guiness Book) - I can't come up with another reason to have so many children. It's not a life-or-death issue, as if one of them had cancer and needed a organ match. It's simply a desire to have your own flesh of flesh.


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At Monday, August 06, 2007 3:16:00 PM, Blogger taboot said...

I agree with you.....but have you seen thier story on their website? They have this many kids simply because they are opposed to birth they go at it, and keep getting pregnant. There are 19 in the family...17 kids, 2 parents...and they are debt FREE. That house? Paid for. They are all home schooled(which makes it even worse).and the dad travels all over teaching people how to become debt free.

At Wednesday, January 23, 2008 6:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, I highly doubt you've ever met that family. You have no idea what they do or what they are about. So stop being so judgmental. You know that thing you accuse Christians and the Dugger family to be. You are a sick person. Saying something so nasty and mean towards them. You are doing and behaving exactly how you accuse them of being. So whos the one with the problem now? So what, they want to have a lot of children. There is nothing wrong with that as long as they are taken care of, which they are. You are so close minded. You don't know if they help people or not. You've never asked, or met them. Just making false assumptions. Well news flash, your the a**hole.


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