Uh Oh. I'm in it now. Whilst avoiding my math, I decided to surf and see what is going on. In actuality, I have been on a wedding kick today, and spent a good deal of time hunting for an island to marry upon.
I discovered blogdigger's find tool for local blogs, and funnily enough, they have zilch for Atlanta, and 13 hits for itty bitty Crittersville, Georgia. Who would have thunk it.
This one gentlemen's blog is written 19 miles from home. And today, I am committing the ultimate faux pas - I am stealing blog content.
I mean, if Pale Blue Dot (
http://paleblue.us/archives/001091.html) can solely write about what others write, then so can I. And dammit, being that he is only 19 miles from me, I have just as much, if not more, rights to write. Think about it. Nothing ever happens in Crittersville.
( Oh. Whoops. Please excuse that last comment. Syndicated editorialist/humorist Leonard Pitts, Jr., discovered that the co-editor of the Cartersville Daily Tribune News had been plagiarizing his column for almost a year.
http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/11801765.htm. )
So Pale Blue Dot discovered a great New York Daily News article entitled, "
Nerds make better lovers". (
http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/317296p-271224c.html) Dammit, I have a vested interest in the subject. I declare mutiny on Pale Blue Dot.
You see, I once made the mistake of trying to deny my current lover's nerddom to a friend. When I realized that my companion couldn't stop laughing, I realized that he may have had a point. Zee is a nerd, and his feelings are not necessarily hurt by that. He knows that he doesn't fall solely into the geek category.
A bit of chameleon is zee. He has a wide and varied set of friends, a lot like my own. One is a pseudo rock star, who can't put down the straw and the Tina long enough to write original music. One is a goth man, who refuses to listen to a band that is not solely wearing black. Another friend is a mini, buffed out version of Tobey Maguire. A true ladies man, that one. Pseudo-Tobey casts out his desire to please women like bad aftershave. It can be funny to wait at his house on a friday night, and watch the women come by in 45 minute bursts.
But zee does have several geek traits. The man has been to "Dragon Con". More than once. The guy actively pursues role playing games - both on the computer and around a cardboard table every Sunday evening. I bought him the Director's Cut of Bruce Campbell's Army of Darkness. He has boxes of comic books and Magic cards in the closet. He admits to a ten year ( or more ) mullet.
Zee and his friends go to Vegas about once a year. Do you know where they stay, year after year? You got it, Excalibur. He has those goofy, gem colored, metallic chalises from the hotel lined up on his computer desk. Contained within are his gaming dice. When the Star Trek exhibit opened up there a few years back, boy, were the emails flying around.
In truth, I would laugh and decry zee's geekdom, but I have discovered my own inner geekiness again. With that, I discovered I really like zee's nerdiness.
When my dad taught me to play Dungeons and Dragons in fourth grade, it was because he said that "boys are so much cooler than girls". In truth, he is absolutely correct. Boys are a lot more fun.
I was called a nerd until I moved to Georgia. I guess anyone who falls back on "The Three Musketeers" ( The long version. No abridged crap in this house ) in times of stress is a bit eccentric. Somehow, here, I could have my nose in a book while exploring adult pleasures, and no one noticed. Considered a bit of a bad girl. Quite funny what you get pegged for when you are multitasking.
Zee and I share a love for sci-fi and fantasy movies, and I do my share of scheming prior to his DM'ing on sunday nights. Somehow, it is so much more fun now to be the innocent bystander, and watch the sparks fly.
I started reading again after my daughter was born. After all the intoxicants had finally left, it did take awhile to get me at a place where I could concentrate. However, I am back to my old tricks. I read before bed every night. I visit my favorite thrift store on a weekly basis, and pick up a dozen novels to last me.
On the weekend, I readily admit that I parade around like some eclectic hippie. I rarely wear a bra, my hair is usually in braids ( I taught zee to part my hair correctly) and I am wearing some goofy looking skirt, or old man golf pants ( I like pastel plaids).
I guess I am a bit of a geek, to go with my nerd partner.
In the long run, I found enough really amazing traits between us that it doesn't matter what we could be typecast as. Who would' ve thought I would end up with a man who likes soccer as much as I do? Or Boxing? Or really shit&y '70s porn? Who would've thought I would have found a man who likes collecting rocks and gems the way I do? Collecting boxes? Neverending episodes in the bedroom?
My dad always lamented that he was a geek, and that geek men are more thoughtful, more intelligent, and are less testosterone driven. I believe that is true. I don't know of another partner who I could break it down with as readily as I do with zee... as if we were lesbians drinking pitchers in Decatur.
Love your geek. They are definitely worthy. If I have learned one important, invaluable characteristic of nerd men, it is this:
(If you buy me an engagement ring with dragons or celtic weaving or castles or unicorns, zee, I will knock you senseless. Zen, simple and platinum.)