Friday, June 23, 2006

Omigod. It's Okay With Everything.

One thing I'm really thankful for is my eclectic childhood exposure to religion. Somehow, we attended so many religious institutions that I never really gleaned any good, old-fashioned guilt. In a lot of ways, that is really yummy. However, most people will describe me as a vacuum of immorality. Whatever. Go git yerself an orgasm and then tell me its wrong.

Anyway, one of my favorite blogs is at I love that woman. She's like me, if I had not broken under my mother's pressure and I had left my hair teal green. I digress, like usual.

She posted a link to these people online who will validate anything you want in the name of Christ. So for those of you who have issues with anal sex/abortion/cunnilingus/etc., this is for you.

In honor of Atlanta's Gay Pride to be held this weekend, I give you:


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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Gee. I’m a Schmuck.

My day was progressing as negatively as usual – I somehow was beginning to feel like that tree that falls down in the middle of the forest (Does anyone hear it?).

Then I received this email. I’ve removed some of the names out of discretion. However, it is important to note that the letter brought tears to my eyes. I haven’t received something this wonderful in a long time.

When people spend a minute and write out the words that come from their deep, tender places, this writing can change the world. I promise you. I don’t know of much else that makes my skin tingle, my heart hurt, my eyes tear….like the written word.

Also, I need to add that I am feeling a little, well, CAUGHT. I’m starting to realize that my words here are read by those I write about. I told someone today that I wouldn’t help him unless I was allowed to use him as a character in my book. That’s about where this blog is going. I am having a hard time talking about what assholes you people are – how your stupidity makes me laugh. THAT’S THE BEST FREAKING PART, PEOPLE. You don’t want to hear how much I love all of you, or how happy I am, or how amazing my sex life is. TELL THE TRUTH. YOU WANT THE DIRT.

I got a whiff of this last week, when a friend called me in the morning around 9 AM, just after my second morning cup of coffee and fifth morning shot of vodka. I had already blogged that morning, and I was actually bearing down to do some pseudo-work (web-surfing). He cautiously began the conversation…."Uh..hey…how are you?". It was then that I realized he was preparing for the absolute disaster that he reads about in my blog pages but I masterfully hide in real life. OUCH. That day I set up a new blog under a title I liked. I haven’t actually used it yet, but I may have to go more anonymous in the future. I’ll give y’all little updates, like Christmas cards from long-lost relatives.
Long story short. Here’s the letter that really took my breath away. I’m sorry. I’m in a pretty selfish black mood - I don’t readily recognize that I’m loved right now.


(From the terribly misrepresented Naa from prior posts)

" Dearest Lady L,

You're right of course, and I'm sorry love.

I lost my way, allowed my anger to predominate my rational course of thinking and followed the same path as Rodney showered me with his rash ramblings.

I've thought of sending an apology letter -- but given the relatively short time span since I first sent that blistering, angry email to Rodney, I perhaps should wait for his emotions to settle in the next few days.

My own emotions are simmering down some -- I've been listening to ambient reiki music, as well as some very celtic music on my pc today - while doing something you may not have expected me to be doing -- 'reading your blogs. whoops! LOL ;-)

I even traveled a bit further back in your blogs, to October 2005, to see how much I impacted or added too much drama into your otherwise, busy life when my friend Jon passed & you offered your shoulder for me to cry upon.

For that, Lady L, I am forever grateful towards you for doing - you were my Angel when I 'most needed you during that very trying period of my life.

Incidentally, I noticed that you used "Naa" , as the name you referenced my name with - I suppose, to protect my identity or anonymity - from Jxxxx Kxxx's eyes - should he have chosen to read your blog web site at some point.

I appreciate that also- though, Jon was 22 years old - your blog said he was 28 & died in Midtown - it was in Lawrenceville actually - but that stuff is immaterial at this point - just thought I'd share those facts with you.

Jon Kyle's spirit came to me again last night - the 2nd time in the past 3 weeks, to speak to me - to comfort me I guess, to help me feel better about my life's direction I am traveling towards presently.

* half cries @ the moment - a bit choked up at the thought of all of this *

I miss him soooo much at times L. Losing someone to a suicide, has to be the single-most challenging & difficult loss for someone to go through or endure - I can only try to begin to imagine how tough this has been for Jon's parents & 2 surviving younger brothers, of whom loved him very much & were very close to him.

I know now, that Jon's spirit has crossed into Summerlands - and that, he's found an inner-peace with himself, that perhaps his bright spirit never fully found while living within a physical body in this incarnation.

I've always sensed in the strongest sense, that you, Lady L - have a distinct, strong spirit -- and that your life & work you do here in this incarnation are of a very, vital importance.

I realize, that you feel stretched thin at times, and that perhaps you feel under-appreciated from the many extended family members and friends that call upon your ears & guidance - but like my own gifts of spirit in this incarnation - you 'must know, that you weren't given these gifts to allow them to dwell within you idle - they were given to you for a far, greater purpose - so that somehow, you could be a 'Torch Bearer of sorts....and help people find their way a bit more easily in their daily lives.

I've always admired this noble spirit of yours for as long as I can remember- since I met you those many years ago now - in Midtown Atlanta...and though, your own life ( and my own ), has changed dramatically since that time -- your sweet spirit has remained the same - your caring heart, and wise soul - has remained the same.

It is this wise soul of yours, that people are attracted towards & seek out - like me in similar ways -- but even as I, myself, am slowly learning too, we have to be 'true to ourselves first & foremost & safeguard our own energy reserves from these high maintenance personalities periodically.

Rest assured, Lady L - you are a special soul -- perhaps, your rewards, like my own - aren't as grandiose as either one of us would like for them to be.... but I believe, the wonders of the Creator/Creatrix works in perhaps a more mundane way -- our blessings/rewards for giving of ourselves are right in front of us all of the time - the laughter of your daughter, Charlotte as she's playing.... or the twinkle in Z's eyes when he see's you after he gets in from work - that is LOVE -- and that is perhaps the single, best reward any of us could ask for in return I firmly believe.

Just be good to yourself Lady L - as much as humanly possible - where/when possible - I realize, you have your own daily challenges with your health and at times, you feel overwhelmed - but please realize that you're still "here" for a reason - your work isn't done, and your spirit is needed more so on the physical plane right now, than in the upper astral realms.

I remember a quote, my other Scorpio friend that passed from this 'world into the next, last year, Betty McKnight ( an Episcopalian Mystic/Franciscan Episcopalian/Sioux Native American Spiritualist ), once told me many years ago........and that is:

"The best healers, are those that are somehow afflicted themselves."

I am not sure if this was Ms. Betty's quote, or perhaps one she obtained from her massive library of books within her home.

However, when I am feeling tired and perhaps unworthy of these robes & roles other people visualize me leading their lives within as both counselor, shrink, and social worker, etc -- I think back to that quote she gave me back in 1992 -- it was empowering then - and it is today, as well. :-)

Ms. Betty incidentally, passed in March of last year at the ripe 'ol age of 77, due to complications with cervical cancer - she was a wonderful soul, bright, brilliant, aeons ahead of her generation, and a caring person that touched my life very deeply.

A similar light as Ms. Betty had - resides within you, Lady L.

As to where I go from the present plateau with Rodney?

Quite honestly, I am not sure.

I will pray & meditate further on this, before I make anymore decision to send an impulsive email to him -- and perhaps in a day or two - my thoughts will be more clear as to where I will proceed with him.

I love you Lady L - YOU ROCK!! :-)

)O( With the greatest admiration & loving light,
your friend I remain,
Rev. Naa,
Universal Life Church pastoral counselor

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Egad. Life sure is messy, ain't it?

I dunno people. The older I get, the more my mood is regulated by the womanly hormones. NOT THAT YOU PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW, but my period came and I feel remarkably relaxed. The last couple of weeks has been really hard.


Here is an update.

- Spent most of the last 10+ days drunk. Smirnoff drink of choice. Body still feels a little poisoned.

- I've decided that I'll only be a shrink because I'll get paid to do what I'm doing anyway. I've also decided that most of the people I know are psychic/emotional vampires who suck the living breathing soul out of me. Someday may they find some enlightenment and learn about reciprocity. It's normal social procedure to ask how others are doing, too, instead of dumping all of your emotional baggage upon me like I'm some empathic landfill. Fuck you people. You don't love me. You love my listening skills, and my absolute, too-polite inability to interrupt.

- Whereas I began to wonder if I was on the verge of an emotional breakdown, quite unlike any I've been part of before, I feel kind of quiet and zen today. Hope it lasts. I'm prepared, though. Stocked myself for a nice intoxicated ride home if necessary.

- I was deeply relieved to hear that some of my much-needed TV shows are coming back - Project Runway starts in a few weeks and The Apprentice was signed on for a couple more seasons. Just pray that the Donald goes to another day besides Mondays. I hate missing it in order to go to class. And I need my Heidi Klum and that goofy funny gay designer - the one Santino made fun of all the time - what whashisname?

- If you're deeply addicted to mobster movies, as I am (NOTE: I WANT THE GODFATHER COLLECTION. PUT IT IN YOUR GIFT IDEA FOLDER FOR ME.)
You'll really like the book version of Casino. I started it Monday, and I'm almost done. Really interesting to read about the real-life story of those dudes. Even better, you realize how awesome Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci did, mimicking real-person character tics in the movie.

- Am I the only hetero person who is halfway excited about the pics from the upcoming Pride weekend? Somehow, life seems normal when you see a 6 ft. tall tranny wearing a blond bouffant, pink polka dotted bikini, hot-pink fishnets, and 7 inch platforms.

- Speaking of trannys, I was reminded again yesterday that one of my gay friends from the beginning of time (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) once adopted my name as their drag-queen persona. Insert my first name, then add "LaRue". Stop laughing, dammit. It's not funny. I don't care if you said you needed my name because you wanted to honor me. I'm not Marilyn or Judy Garland, dammit. You fags need to love me from afar. Taking my name as your draggy act is not kosher.

- I need a doggie. Bad. My dad picked up a stray last weekend and all I think about lately is cuddling with a doggie.

- My hair got suddenly ugly and I have a hankering to chop it off.

- I was dancing drunk in the pool last night and my daughter told me to "knock off that girly stuff let's play ninjas". Help. Just what is wrong with dancing in the pool? Do I need to be afraid because she already tells me how she wishes she were a boy?

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Monday, June 19, 2006

My New Favorite Quote

"At least I knew who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then."

- Alice in Wonderland

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Friday, June 16, 2006

Top Ten - June, 2006

1. SMIRNOFF. Is that a food?
2. Sushi – any kind with avocado and tuna.
3. Breyers Natural Vanilla Ice Cream
4. My Nachos: Baked Lays (Cheddar & Sour Cream) and Low-Fat Mozzarella.
With turkey burger.
5. Bean Burritos from Taco Hell w/ extra mild sauce.
6. SMIRNOFF. Is that a food?
7. Braves game hot dogs. Jumbo. With extra everything.
8. Williams Brothers Barbeque, Marietta, Georgia.
9. Subway veggie sandwiches with extra tabasco sauce from my cupboard at
10. Cheeseburgers.

Top Ten Things to Do at Home – RIGHT THIS MOMENT:

1. Fuck.
2. Pat my cat.
3. Watch CSI.
4. Smoke.
5. Drink Vodka Tonics w/ SMIRNOFF (see above)
6. Read the rest of this crappy Anne Rice novel ( BTW, I’m out of reading
material. Send me a book.)
7. Watch the new season of Making the Band, because P. Diddy sucks ass.
8. Feed the Koi. Because you forget to when you’re drunk. See above, under
9. Play golf on the cellphone.
10. Attempt to hook your bluetooth up on the cellphone for the 90th time.

Top Ten Things that Piss Me Off – RIGHT THIS MOMENT:

1. Driving. Get the fuck out of my way, people.
2. Running out of SMIRNOFF.
3. Summertime TV sucks.
4. My $600 elliptical broke. I feel fat.
5. I feel fat. See above.
6. My damn cat keeps running outside everytime I open the front door. I don’t
know how to break him of it and I’m scared – he doesn’t have any claws and
he could get really hurt.
7. My house is a mess and I’m too dang tired to fix it. Or I don’t care. Or both.
8. I don’t have anything to read. See above.
9. I hate my job and I feel I should be paid way more to be a 40 hr/week
10. I haven’t been to the beach in 2 years.

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

False Eyelash Nuptials

False eyelashes at the wedding or not? This is the conversation that has been going on at the cubicle over the wall for the past hour.

Help me god. I have to wait until at least 11:30 AM to run outside for my vodka.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Screech's Package

How come I always miss the juicy urban legends? Like last week, a friend was telling me about this rumor that Urkel is dead. Now, today, I find out that everyone has always known that Screech had his own personal trunk monkey, if you know what I mean.

Here’s the link to the article about the Howard Stern interview with Screech, where they discuss his ginormous unit.

"The legend of Screech’s endowment"

And here’s the link to Dustin Diamond’s (Screech’s) website.

Buy his t-shirt and help him save his house. I may seriously do this. Poor big-penis man can’t get a real job. He has to go down into the land-after-career (or Wisconsin, for those of you who don’t know) that is specifically reserved for celebrities-with-big-dicks. Like Ron Jeremy. Bret Michaels.

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The Mentos/Diet Coke Experiment: Enough to Make my Drunk-Ass Laugh

And yes, I did need it.

Check it. Watch the video that made the satanic-coke-people really mad. Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha." pluginspage="" scale="tofit" kioskmode="False" qtsrc="" cache="False" height="272" width="320" controller="True" type="video/quicktime" autoplay="False">

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The Mentos/Diet Coke Experiment: Enough to Make my Drunk-Ass Laugh

And yes, I did need it.

Check it. Watch the video that made the satanic-coke-people really mad. Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha." pluginspage="" scale="tofit" kioskmode="False" qtsrc="" cache="False" height="272" width="320" controller="True" type="video/quicktime" autoplay="False">

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Monday, June 12, 2006

26 Year Old Grandparent

"A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience"
Oliver Wendell Holmes
My lovely friend-almost-mother-in-law very aptly described my life right now:

"Life is what happens when we are busy making plans"

And it is so true.

Z and I got a little shake-up last week.

In February ’07 I may break some kind of World Record – the youngest step-grandmother in the world (26).

And I don’t live in a third-world country. I practice safe sex (as often as I can). I told my daughter she can’t have a boyfriend ‘til college. I had an excuse, dammit, for why I had a kid so early. I didn’t think (and I still don’t) that I’ll be able to have kids the longer I wait. Diabetes ravages the body over 20 years.

So I’ve spent the last three days or so drunk. Finished off the last half of the
Finlandia bottle, moved straight on to a new bottle of Pepe Lopez.

What do you want me to say?

I’m angry.

I’m pissed.

I’m disappointed.

I’m hurt.

I’m ready to tear apart some little 16 year olds and stick em both in some brainwashing camp for loony kids.

I can totally understand every "bad parent"’s poor impulse control right now.

Fucking teenagers. You can’t tell them anything – they rule the world and know absolutely every-fucking thing.

"A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience"
Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My Dream Job

Is admittedly at Google.

I will forever hope to work at the company where I can surf the web, without abandon, and not have to anxiously minimize my surfing activities everytime somebody walks by. Instead, when my boss lays work on my desk, and tells me that "idle hands cause ..." I can interrupt him.

I'd say: "Back off, Darth Googlinator. I am the supreme web surfer and I'm working on some surfing I'm really passionate about. Go find someone who is less than above-average to fulfill your tasks of boring doom."

Read the Forbes article and see what I mean.

"Who's Really Running Google"

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Monday, June 05, 2006

So...How Do You Feel About The Death Penalty?

I'm just a little off the fence on it, myself. I'm not sure Buddha advocates "eye for an eye"... I think he'd be more inclined to roll with the whole "life is misery. get over it" theory.

Anyway, the Texas Department of Corrections has a webpage with a listing of all the executed Texans. Included is a link to their last statement.

This one was pretty poignant, especially for an already-emotional Monday morning. Dude had a point.

"Date of Execution:

May 28, 2002

Napoleon Beazley #999141
Last Statement:

The act I committed to put me here was not just heinous, it was senseless. But the person that committed that act is no longer here - I am.

I'm not going to struggle physically against any restraints. I'm not going to shout, use profanity or make idle threats. Understand though that I'm not only upset, but I'm saddened by what is happening here tonight. I'm not only saddened, but disappointed that a system that is supposed to protect and uphold what is just and right can be so much like me when I made the same shameful mistake.

If someone tried to dispose of everyone here for participating in this killing, I'd scream a resounding, "No." I'd tell them to give them all the gift that they would not give me...and that's to give them all a second chance.

I'm sorry that I am here. I'm sorry that you're all here. I'm sorry that John Luttig died. And I'm sorry that it was something in me that caused all of this to happen to begin with.

Tonight we tell the world that there are no second chances in the eyes of justice...Tonight, we tell our children that in some instances, in some cases, killing is right.

This conflict hurts us all, there are no SIDES. The people who support this proceeding think this is justice. The people that think that I should live think that is justice. As difficult as it ma seem, this is a clash of ideals, with both parties committed to what they feel is right. But who's wrong if in the end we're all victims?

In my heart, I have to believe that there is a peaceful compromise to our ideals. I don't mind if there are none for me, as long as there are for those who are yet to come. There are a lot of men like me on death row - good men - who fell to the same misguided emotions, but may not have recovered as I have.

Give those men a chance to do what's right. Give them a chance to undo their wrongs. A lot of them want to fix the mess they stated, but don't know ho. The problem is not in that people aren't willing to help them find out, but in the system telling them it won't matter anyway. No one wins tonight. No one gets closure. No one walks away victorious.

Last updated: 05/29/2002"

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