"Anywhere But Here" Turns 2!!!
Folks, it's been a long two years, hasn't it? What happened to us?
- Upon having meaningless sex with a sexy latin lover in camos, I complimented Steven Tyler on his ass.. http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2004_11_01_anywherebut_archive.html"
- I got kicked out of a mexican place after drinking too much tequila and yelling at my mother and sister... http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2004_12_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Got obsessed with Great White Shark diving...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2005_01_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Finally understood why all men love Bruce Campbell movies... http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2005_02_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Discovered "Mr. Medical Researcher" man who thoroughly pissed me off for an entire month, even whilst he was professing his love for me...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2005_03_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Wrote a paper about how pulling decongestants off the shelves is really a government conspiracy - meth isn't made from your stupid little sudafed box...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2005_04_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Ruminated on the difficulties of being friends with Naa "a six foot, six inch tall flamboyant gay man from South GA, who is on the new age path of wiccanism pseudo asian studies"...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2005_05_01_anywherebut_archive.htm
- Declared war on Pale Blue Dot and discussed why nerds make better lovers...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2005_06_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Got all freaky and egocentric and wrote "100 Things About Me"...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2005_07_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Had all these bloggers contact me, from both sides, representing or hating Stephanie Klein, after I wrote why I hate her. Bored people without a homeless person to feed, I suppose...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2005_08_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Published California's Divorce Letter to the U.S...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2005_09_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Tried to encourage readers to join the "Christopher Walken for President" movement...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2005_10_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Located the best "Best Jerry Maguire Mission Statement for Bloggers" ...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2005_11_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Discovered Seligman's Positive Psychology movement, and thought I found my calling...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2005_12_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Discovered that conferences are the new white-collar hookup spot...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Tried to pimp myself out, to no avail, in "TRICK ME OUT, BITCHES! I CAN FIND SHIT!"...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2006_02_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- More evidence discovered that substantiates why I hate Los Angeles...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2006_03_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Decided that the CRITTERSVILLE WAL-MART IS CONSPIRING WITH THE CHRISTIAN COALITION...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Found "60 sites in 60 minutes", the "Abortion isn't Murder Flowchart" and other useless fun on the web...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2006_05_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- In honor of Atlanta's Gay Pride 2006, I gave you:
"SEX IN CHRIST! SEXUALITY ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF GOD ...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2006_06_01_anywherebut_archive.html
- Got locked up in the loony bin and declared a bipolar alcoholic...http://anywherebut.blogspot.com/2006_07_01_anywherebut_archive.html"
It sure has been fun, y'all. Here's to another crazy/fun 2 years. I'm looking forward to it.
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