Monday, February 27, 2006

Four Things About Snewo

Dammit to hell. YOU BASTARDS! I was freaking hit with another one of these Meme things. What the hell is a "meme" anyway?

Four things - My responses

here goes...

Four Jobs I've had:
· Restaurant Manager
· Caterer
· Pastry Chef
· Drug Dealer
Four movies I can watch over and over:
· Fever Pitch
· Papillon
· Tootsie
· Topper
Four TV shows I love to watch:
· CSI Las Vegas
· The Apprentice
· Project Runway
· America’s Next Top Model
Four places I've been on vacation:
· My Couch
· Key West
· Vegas
· Baja
Four tunes that play through my head:
· High Hopes ( Pink Floyd)
· Hurt
· Rooster
· 500 Miles
Four favorite dishes:
· White Pizza
· Dim Sum
· Sushi – anything Tuna
· My Mom’s Macaroni & Cheese – the real kind that takes 4 hours
Four websites I visit daily:
· NY Times
· Defamer
· Newsgator
Four books I really love:
· The Little Prince
· Great Expectations
· The Three Musketeers
Four places I'd rather be:
· In bed with Z
· On a deserted, clean beach
· In a cage off Isla Guadalupe
· Strolling Berkeley

Screw you people. Let me tell you Four Ways I can kick Your Ass:

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Saturday, February 25, 2006


Forgive me. I'm permanently stunted to believe that I am still 16. Although I've begun to take proactive steps to ensure a longer life, I still believe I'm a superhero despite everything I read and hear.

However, I'm getting wake-up calls left and right.

- A couple years ago, my Mother cut out a newspaper article about a local 28 year old diabetic who was blind and suffered from renal failure. According to a lot of endocrinoligists, Type I Diabetics from this particular generation (age 25-35) are showing a noted pattern of only being able to survive for 20 years on insulin therapy without complications. You see, medicine just wasn't that knowledgeable about the disease until about a decade or so. Whereas they once believed us Type I Diabetics could test our blood sugars 3X per day and take three injections, they are now realizing the disease requires much more intensive maintenance than that.

Specialists now tell patients that a consistent Hemoglobin A1C count of 7 or less is required to prevent microvascular damage. This test measures your long term blood count of sugar - kind of like a blood sugar test encompassing a three month period. Think about this in my own, personal terms. The lowest A1C I've ever scored was while pregnant - I got a 7. However, I've since maintained it somewhere between 8.5 and 11. And most of my formative years were spent in the 10 range.

Anyway, this article really screwed me up. I hadn't been feeling well for a long time - no med insurance for a couple years will do that to you. Upon reading that article, I made a vow to get a divorce and become self-reliant. I will never, ever rely upon a man - and his vows/spoken promises - to take care of me. It's all me, baby.

- In early 2004 my boyfriend at the time - Z - was in a horrific car wreck and died. 3 times. In the first hours after the wreck I received a phone call from his best friend, Addison. Addison asked me if Z had medical insurance and also asked that I come fill out forms for him at the trauma center. I told Addison that he was talking to the wrong person - call Z's estranged wife. This decision may have ensured his rapid treatment due to his insurance status. However, it also left me without contact with him for 6 months.

My point is this: I had been busy living the life of a pseudo-addict. Upon this event, I was left cynical, bitter, and wizened. If my miraculous man - he of the double-jointed flexibility who could fold his body into a knotted pretzel - could be hurt, then so could I.

- Last November a friend committed suicide in his Atlanta apartment by hanging. He was a long-time addict who had managed to stay away from the shit for a full year. His boyfriend broke up with him, and he began to go out on dancing/drugging binges. My friend suffered the typical, intense dark depression that comes with withdrawals. And he chose to end his life.

I was really screwed about that one, too. He was 26 - just a few years older than me at the time. In a lot of ways, he was in the midst of a lifestyle that was very real to me. I knew that dark, depressive funk. The idea that he could take that final leap and really end it. Wow. What a bastard.

And I felt old, having to help write prayers and speeches for his memorial service. I'm still 16, you see.

- This latest event has really turned me for a loop. My lovely faery friend sent an email last night, called "A Wee Announcement". It basically stated that she has discovered a lump in her breast, which is cancerous. They are doing a lumpectomy on her, and upon further diagnosis they will proscribe chemo or whathaveyou. She is 29, happily married, with three absolutely beautiful daughters.

And boy, did I cry. I'm not 16 and a Superhero any more. I don't spend my days painting and sewing and my nights dancing and drugging all night. I have a job and responsibilities. And my friends get sick, hurt. My friends and family die.

I'm learning. Every moment means more than just the final last. I feel my mortality, and I want to tell everyone I love how much I appreciate that they were born. I was lucky enough to be placed in a geographic plane on this earth that I could meet you all and fall in love.

Hug your loved ones today. Tell them how incredible your life is now that they are in it. And smile. For nothing in your own life can be as bad as what someone else is going through. It could be worse. We've been given a really remarkable deal.

I don't know if this is a one-time shot. I don't believe it is. However, I do believe that reincarnation is such that you would probably not be able to transfer your stream of consciousness to the next life. So you should consider this as your sole opportunity.

Much love.


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Friday, February 24, 2006


When I was a kid, I fell in love with the movie "Big". The idea that someone could become a suit-wearing corporate flunky while creating and playing with toys - that was appealing. I was a bit envious. Adults don't seem to have fun - DO THEY????

Boy, did I have lists for what I wanted to do when I grow up. I knew I had a number of passions and a couple talents. Unfortunately, I didn't really seem to grasp the idea that you are supposed to combine the two.

Here are a couple of my old, no-longer-applicable vocational wishes for when I grow up:

Marine Biologist:
You have to admit that I am obsessed with sharks. And swimming. When I was younger, my parents would drag me out of the pool, out of the ocean, out of a lake - kicking and screaming. Sorry. My moon is in Pisces. I'm a fish. And I'm actually a really great swimmer. I have stamina and shit, yo.

Problem is this: I'm also agoraphobic. I usually have problems being out in the middle of an ocean with no visible land in sight. I was a little freaked out when I first went snorkeling. I can't see me doing too well on a boat for month or year long trips.

I like babies, and I'm remarkably desensitized/disassociative when it comes down to blood and yucky stuff. However, I think women's parts are a little nasty. Refer to previous post about how porn is supposed to be airbrushed. I don't think I could deal with seeing real people and their real parts. Besides, I have serious problems with a lot of women and their hygienics. I don't think it was all ever properly explained to them.

Naval Academy Cadet:
I was a bit of a masochistic athlete back in the day, and the idea of going to one of the best schools in the country and hanging out with hot men in uniform seemed like heaven. Unfortunately, Uncle Sam won't let me join. Diabetics aren't allowed.

So today I realized that I need to start a business pimping out my services. I have a few skills that are turning out to be beneficial. Here they are:

1. I speed read. I've done so since elementary school. It kind of happened in one big flash - here I was, struggling through typical 30 pg. books for Third-graders and the next thing you know I'm reading "The Three Musketeers". I believe it is partly genetic - my Mother still reads four or five novels a week.

2. I have a photographic memory. I think that is largely genetic also. All I know is this: I remember things like they are a movie still - especially written work. This also helps with spelling, but that is indirect to the topic at hand.

Anyway, these skills have turned me into an amateur researcher. I can find shit. Mostly on the web. I'm okay in a library, too, but I like the internet. It's my lap.

But I get called upon a lot to help others find shit. I don't think that this "finding shit" skill is some great talent, it's mostly just an ability to scan through shit really fast and figure out where I need to look next.

Today I had three people call upon my services while I was at work. And all three wanted information unrelated to work. One of these persons in need was actually looking for information to help him invest in a $750K investment property.

I think I need to start looking for a business model and researching a demographic. Surely I could charge a consulting fee for the individual above, who stands to make a crap-load of money each year off of his proposed business? (It was a great idea, by the way. Makes me wish I had some dough).

Then, upon racking up some cash from helping people find shit I could start looking for investment opportunities for myself. And treat myself to a wedding.

My mother said some woman out there has a business like this - she consults for companies. Her name is Faith Marigold or Martha Happiness or somebody. Do you know who this is?

I need some ideas. Give me a good one and I'll give you a cut off my first hourly job.

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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Hey! C-Vegas Hit The Big-Time

Finally someone recognizes that little ol' Cartersville isn't the boonies anymore!

See the restaurant review of our new little bistro - D Morgan's - in the Atlanta Journal Constitution!

"A cosmopolitan little restaurant called D Morgan's in downtown Cartersville is a welcome respite to the unyielding din of sameness two blocks away on Highway 41.
Read the review by AJC dining critic Meridith Ford. "

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Life Mirrors Film

"12 Monkeys" is one of my favorite movies, for a lot of reasons. Terry Gilliam, Brad Pitt, Madeleine Stowe, Bruce Willis....

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. When my ex-brother-in-law spouted his wacky theories, I usually just hung up the phone and pretended my cell phone died. Whoops. Did I admit that? Don't tell anybody.

- The holocaust never happened
- Man didn't land on the moon in the '60s
- The mob killed Kennedy
- The tobacco conglomerates will be just fine because they hold reserved rights to sell
marijuana when it becomes legal
- AIDS was created to kill black/gay people
- The flu shot doesn't work
- Vaccines cause autism
- Bio-engineered produce is bad for you (preservatives are another story)

and so on.

I have an amateur knowledge of micro-biology just because I like to hang around with science geeks who are way smarter than I am. So this blogger's post about how you can create smallpox with a few million $ and a couple of months - that scared the piss out of me.

Read about the risk for "12 Monkeys" end-of-the-world scenarios.
Paul Boutin's "Biowar for Dummies"$1439

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Defending my sex: Men can have man-crushes

If men can evolve and become metrosexuals or have man-crushes, it should be perfectly acceptable for women to have women-crushes. This disclaimer is necessary because you men-readers out there immediately start visualizing two hot chicks in the sack, especially when you hear compliments paid to women by women.

So Charlize Theron is one of my woman-crushes. If you've seen "The Devil's Advocate" or "The Astronaut's Wife" you know what I'm talking about. I actually didn't go see "Aeon Flux" because it was Z's pick and it was my turn to choose the movie. And Charlize Theron looks like shit with a brunette bob.

She has this supermodel-next-door thing going on, and her voice reminds you of that nice schoolteacher who let you have an extra 10 minutes of recess. Once you hear about her oddball relationship with boy-toy Stuart Townshend, you fall deeper in love. She refuses to marry the guy - until gay marriage is legalized. You rock, girlfriend.

Besides, ol' Stewie is of the unobtrusive hot celebrity man-breed. He doesn't rival her beauty, and he is a little unassuming/submissive/dominated. That's great. Allows you to see her hidden tigress.


imagine my shock and appreciation when I read that Ang Lee may be making another gay flick - with chicks. Charlize Theron is in the running to play Dusty Springfield - among the hottest rock-babes of all time. That voice....
At the time, Dusty's sexual proclivities ran towards the exotic. And that will make an interesting movie. With Charlize Theron.

And unlike "Monster", Charlize will now be playing a hot lesbian instead of a icky-I've-slept-in-a-dumpster lesbian serial killer.

So I say YAY.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Early Week Happy-Nings

So I've been in a little bit of a funky place. Spending Friday dealing with my Mother's histrionics kind of set off my sinus infection in a really nice way. Add that to work-related stress. Mix up with a little cold weather, and you have a genuine Snewo blue state.

Winter sucks. Have I mentioned that? I keep thinking about my childhood - growing up in a place where you only needed a sweatshirt-hoodie as your winter layering attire. By 11 AM, it was 70 degrees again, and you could go back to your t-shirt. Where am I and why am I here again?

Anyway, I just got off the phone with my lovely Transplanted Philly Girl ( and our conversation definitely lifted my mood. The Python got a new job, you see. For the first time in years she is actually working in an environment that is positive and enriches her creative soul. I am absolutely tickled. It has been horrific hearing about her tribulations - trying to acclimate to a totally new state/culture and then having a really crappy job to boot.

I like to hear that people are doing well, especially those that I love. It comforts me. I don't have to worry, or send my emotional rays into the universe when I'm seeking relief for them.

Wonderful news. The tide may be changing.

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Friday, February 17, 2006

The Rock Star

The Momba

Addison and Z

Little Tiny Charky....3 years old, maybe? With Molly and Cidney

More Ramona Quimby Pouty Face

Charky's 4th Birthday (She looks like Ramona Quimby, doesn't she?)

This Week Friday Is Not My Favorite Day

I'm really starting to sound bitchy, you know? Screw you people. What the hell do you know anyway?

So I'm sitting here in my nightie, sipping coffee with too much splenda. I've had 3.5 hours of sleep and I'm on Day 18 of the Great-Snewo-February-Is-Sinus-Infection-Month.

I actually called work at 2:30 AM and left a message that I would be out today. Fuck propriety. I had this weird night, you see.

11 PM I was in bed, trying to sleep. My head hurt like the dickens and the back of my neck was throbbing in this pulse-thingie down my spine. My body was exhausted, and I really didn't want to move it. My head wouldn't stop racing.

So by 11:30 PM I was back in on the computer, looking for jobs. I found one, by the way. Those are kind of slim pickings if you ask me.

Sex, popsicles, and reviewing Willie Nelson videos with Z didn't put me out. Reading more of what is turning out to be a really good book (Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth didn't put me out either.

Which puts me back at 2:30 AM, where I left a message stating I would not be driving 3 hours today.

And my Dad's favorite Dog is lost. My mother called me in a frantic, Wellbutrin/Legal Speed enhanced panic around 5:30 AM. Told me not to bring Charlotte to her house today if I was taking off of work. Kind of ruined my plans of actually sitting in a quiet place and doing some writing on a project due Wednesday (can't write at work. Too many hyperactive imbeciles dashing around, demanding emotional expenditure). Thus feeling resentful because I will have to take a Vacation Day today, although I will most likely get as much done here as I would there. Perhaps more work here. I mean, Damn. I can actually take meaningful, inspiring breaks here. At work all I can do is go walking around when I need an escape. Here I can go take sex breaks and then come back rejuvenated, inspired, and contented.

So let's pray for accomplishment today. I freaking need it. And a clear head. And I need my antibiotics to work. And I need my Dad's dog to get found.

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Damn you Willie.

Willie Nelson: Now Defaming Brokeback Mountain

Damn pot-smoking hippies. He made my new favorite movie seem gay.
Willie Nelson's ""Cowboys are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each other)"

I just may drink my Willie water now ( a recent present from Z's lovely, funny mother). I was going to stick it on a shelf like a totem.

Find Willie water here:
For "Always on Your Mind" taste.
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He's icky anyway. How did a white trash wannabe rocker become a demigod? At least Eminem is from the suburbs.

Love and Sex, 2.1

Ok, so I'm discovering that porn is gross. I actually used to like porn. In a way other than laughing at old '70s porns while high. (If you haven't tried it - please do. There isn't anything better than seeing women and men in '70s attire in ultra-ridiculous scenarios. I think the last one watched was the one about the Truck Stop gigolos and the butchy female big rig drivers. High comedy, I'm telling you.)

Anyway, I found this video of Scott Stapp and Kid Rock getting BJs on what looks like a tour bus. And I was grossed out.

I readily admit I don't like amateur porn. I'm just not into the whole watching thing. Watching other people do it is a little repulsive to me. It reminds me of something traumatic - like walking in on your parents.

Porn needs to be fake and with a set and a good sound editor and nice lighting. Porn needs airbrushing ( I don't want to see your C-section scars; men and their nasty, un-loofahed places under their butts; stretch marks; hair - especially icky back hair that pops off your shoulders UGH; tan lines; wrinkles; baggy eyes) because it is supposed to be theatre. The best movies of any kind - porn or not - are the ones that get you hot. So why the hell are you watching very un-Hollywood-like crap of your next door neighbor, banging his wife on his icky paisley Walmartesque sheets, lit by his also-icky black fluted halogen lamp from afore-mentioned store.

So check the Scott Stapp / Kid Rock video out. Mebbe it's just me, but porn isn't sexy anymore - watching people who obviously care absolutely nothing for eachother getting off.....well, it seems like a Discovery Channel documentary of lions in Zimbabwe. No emotion, just a fuc&.

I'm turning into a real girl. Damn. No wonder women like romance novels. It's the feelings accompanied by all the thrusting and sweat and etc. that is the hot part.

Thus ends our lesson for today, young neophytes.

Next lesson: Snewo's theory on how plasticky, surgically enhanced porn stars (lets say 1986 on...) destroyed two or three generations of men.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Osama just signed up for "Love for Dummies". He said this whole Talibanny-Wanny thingie isn't working for him.

DISCLAIMER: It's Valentine's Day

(Ok, ok, ok. I feel ultimately trite and pathetic now. I received a really amazing Valentine today. Although it is a bit thick with lub, I can't help but share. I only wish you people knew what the hell I am talking about.

I'm starting a Love For Dummies course. You can join if you want - it's $3,095 per---------AHEM. Z says that it is free. Dammit.

Again, this is sickly sweet for some. I'm warning you. On the other hand, for those of you who know the Snewo / Zatchel story, this may seem wonderful. Whatever. Screw you all.

It's a wonderful life.)

"Good morning sunshine,

I woke this morning knowwing how much you love me. I have never been this in love in all my life. I never knew that I could be moved this deeply, this sincerley. When I first started to love I thought that it was just a frame of mind, or a mind set that one could achieve alone towards another. I was wrong, love is very much different then one thinks when they first think they have found it.

Love is something that happens...

not something that we create. The lightning bolt that you threw thru me was unexpected but very much desired. I am thrilled that I had enough confidence to explore who struck my head with those soft lips. I have been a challange, I am sure, but I am grateful that you have been up to it. I have not been so happy in all my life as I have been, and continue to be, with you. You are the sexxiest person walking this earth and stalking my dreams. Daily drudgery is insignificant because I know who loves me and that you will be there.

You move me....

to be a better person. All this light that you talk of is not just me, it is our love that insipires this light. I have not been this attractive in all my life and it is your fault. Please forgive my slight crabbiness yesterday. The coldest days provide the most pain. It is hard to hide it sometimes and I know that upsets you. I try to keep it hidden so you do not have to know that your loved one is in pain. I know it frustrates you and I love your compassion and understanding. I gladly accept this pain, because it means I get to be with you. There is nowhere in this world that I wish to be except with you. I would ask if you would be mine but you inspire me to such an extent that I know we are one already. This is the confidence that you bring out in me. However hokey that may be it is what you and I do together that matters.

I love watching you grow...

and change. It reminds me of a beautiful flower opening up for the first time. Like the sun coming up on a brand new day, we are just beginning. Although our love is something private and very personal, it seems that the world will and does benifit from feeling the warmth that it has allowed us to share. Almost everyone I know has commented on how happy I seem as opposed to how they have known me in the past. You make me a Man. You make me the light.

I would like to be a teacher...

, so as to show the children of the world what to look for in a mate. To show them what true love looks like. To teach them how to love, respect and be honest with each other. You call me a sexpert. I enjoy this, but wish I had a degree that said the same, so I could practice such things. Outside of making you happy, raising my children with hope and dreams, I wish to spread the message of how to love each other to the world. The lesson that you have taught me.

Thank you for being mine on this very special day."

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Monday, February 13, 2006

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Ouchie. Ipod update.

Do you have a song that makes your heart twinge? Brings back memories that are heartbreaking?

I just downloaded mine - it's playing right now and I kind of have the creeps.

"Deuces are Wild" - Aerosmith

Google that, missing friend of mine.
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Domesticity, Linen, Key West and I-podding your way to elitism

On the Top of the News in the Snewo Household:

1. Nasty ol' sinus infection/ear infection. Working off the steroid shot given to me on Thursday by my new GP. Almost as pretty as the Bollywood actor-doctor, but this one has this old south/preppy/cute shy thing going on. I mean, his parents own a freaking christmas tree farm, and he helps them out there on the weekends during season. How cute is that????

Anyway, my spirits are markedly better since I started inhaling antibiotics. Suddenly, I'm not so depressed. Funny how that works.

2. Ipodding.
Woke up for the third time early Friday morning to go pee, and decided that since it was 3:45 AM it was kind of silly to go back to bed. Downloaded a bunch of tunes to my ipod and plugged it in. I have a few ipod related comments.
(1) I can totally see how people would go into debt buying new music. I was tired of all of my 100 songs downloaded by 2 PM. That's only a half day of listening. I still haven't bought anything new, but I'm starting to feel like a junkie.
(2) Is there a proper code of etiquette when walking around with your ipod? Doesn't it seem irritatingly isolating when you see someone lost in their own little world? Doesn't it make you think, self-absorbed-like as usual, "Why the hell are they ignoring everybody? Aren't they elitist! Am I not that interesting?"
The truth is usually this: "No, you aren't that interesting."
(3) I always thought that the ipod shuffle sounded lame. But after I found out that you can play it from track one on, without shuffling, I came around. However, I just want you to know that the shuffling part is the best. There is something a little intoxicating and spontaneous about listening to White Zombie, followed by Queen, followed by Dave Matthews, followed by Dire Straits, followed by Rusted Root, followed by Wilson Pickett, followed by Korn, followed by God Lives Underwater, followed by Prodigy.......

3. Vegetable stock making.

I really miss my culinary roots, if you can't tell already. I am one of those people who were meant to simultaneously own a bookstore, deli, and therapist's office. I saw a little bit of that in Key West, and I was immediately jealous. I want to be able to saunter around in my linen drygoods, wearing a big straw hat with huge tropical lilies from my kitchen garden, visiting my businesses. In one minute I would be arranging books, in the next chopping orange peel. I'd have ten canvasses strewn across my yard, as I worked on a number of oils and watercolors without finishing any. I'd bathe in mango juice with lime, chili powder, and a bit of coconut. My skin would never look yellow, and like my life prior to Georgia, I need not wear deodorant. When you're hot all the time, you don't stinky-sweat.

Anyway, my Saturday experiment for this week is vegetable stock. I threw a bunch of large-chopped veggies in a roasting pan: Leeks (smell great), 1 sole tomato ( I hate tomato soup), carrots, parsnips, celery, red and green bell peppers. Stuck em in the oven at 350 F and roasted them until they looked wilted. Supposedly roasting them is supposed to unlock the flavor.
Threw em in my cauldron and poured a couple gallons of water on top. They are simmering, and my house smells like a fresh garden kitchen in July, when you are busy canning and avoiding the yellowjackets.
We're going to ziplock baggie the stock when I'm done, and use for soupy experiments throughout the week.... vegetable stock with barley....vegetable stock with rice....vegetable stock with chopped zucchini and cilantro.....
With foccacia on the side.

Off to domesticity. Wish me luck.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Millions of Peaches, Peaches for Free

The Peach
Random Gentle Love Master (RGLMf)

Playful, kind, and well-loved, you are The Peach.

For such a warm-hearted, generous person, you're surprisingly experienced in both love and sex. We credit your spontaneous side; you tend to live in the moment, and you don't get bogged down by inhibitions like most women your age. If you see something wonderful, you confidently embrace it.

Your exact opposite:
The Nymph

Deliberate Brutal Sex Dreamer
You are a fun flirt and an instant sweetheart, but our guess is you're becoming more selective about long-term love. It's getting tougher for you to become permanently attached; and a girl who's in a different place emotionally might misunderstand your early enthusiasm. You can wreck someone simply by enjoying her.

Your ideal mate is adventurous and giving, like you. But not overly intense.

DREAD: The Battleaxe

CONSIDER: The Peach, The Playstation, or The Window Shopper

Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating.
My profile name: AriessunPiscmn

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