I've been an uptight little wench lately. I admit I have watched Kate Moss' recent ordeal with an amused smile. In many ways, it seemed like fair comeuppance for the woman.
Why I dislike Kate Moss:
A. She broke into an industry that requires models to be 5'9'', when she is more like 5'7''. The only reason she booked contracts is her waifiness - at the time, the look was more Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista...curvy women. Now granted, I do think it is important that every woman is represented in fashion modeling. How else do you know how something will look if you don't see your body type strutting the catwalk, or at least getting decent photos?
Problem is, I don't see any real reason that we need someone who is underweight up there. Call me biased because of eating disorder mania. Then again, I suppose you could argue that we also need not see overweight folks, either, since most have eating disorders also....
B. The original waif model, Twiggy, had an amazing face. She looked like a cross between a doe and an elf. Kate Moss' face isn't that pretty, she kind of looks like a more vapid Jewel.
My ecstasy over this Kate Moss furor was fueled by others, I admit. Tell the truth - haven't you heard someone recently say, "So that is how she stays skinny!"
For the majority of us, who fight hard to try to be thin, using drugs seems like cheating. I bet even the bulimia crowd are downright indignant over the idea. "Dammit, if we were paid more than $2K per day, we would do drugs too! All we have is our nice pointer finger, filed sharply into a V-shape for better purging! SHE CAN"T DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I was interested to find an article about it in the NY Times today.
Is Kate Moss 'Soapy'? 'A Minger'? That's What Some in Britain Say"
By TOM ZELLER JR., Published: September 26, 2005.
http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/26/business/26link.html?8hpib&oref=loginThe article gives a bird's eye view of what Moss' countrymen think about her drug escapade. Most of the posts are prototypical, and don't really illuminate anything other than cool Brit speak. If you are "soapy", you are apparently a dirty douchebag.
Two posts in particular caught my attention, however. Written as a comment, and then a reply, I was faced with an argument that I had not yet considered.
From: lots2do
Posted: 9/18/2005
When you bring a child into the world, you do that with the full knowledge that the little being needs love, warmth, security and protection against all the evils of the world, as best you can. ... So forgive people for thinking that Kate Moss deserves all she gets and that she looks grotty and needs a good wash (which she does), because most people are thinking of her child."From: captainpenguin
Posted: 9/18/2005
There are thousands of kids in this country with worse parents than Kate Moss. I'm not debating the values of good parenting, just questioning whether she qualifies as a bad mother when we know nothing about the details of her personal life, other than she's done some drugs. I'd be more worried about the crippling effects of living at the center of a world obsessed by image and looks. ..."
Wow. Talk about making me feel like an uptight old lady. The truth in "Captain Penguin" 's post is a bit astounding.
I don't condone drug addiction and parenthood, but the truth is, we don't even know this bitch. How the hell do we know that she is an addict? It isn't like she has a reputation in the supermodel world for outrageous, coked-up behavior, a la Naomi Campbell or Donatella Versace.
She could've just been snorting her yearly gram. I don't have a problem with that. I know quite a few former addicts that operate that way. "Gimme just a taste every once in a while, get it out of my system." In truth, this isn't usually successful for most people with a true addiction, but how the hell do we know. Some people are able to turn off the urges a bit, or quench the thirst, so to speak.
And as I reflect on the possibility that Kate Moss is an addict, I am left with another truth that I had failed to consider. If Kate's weight loss is due to her coke habit, then her coke habit would have to have lasted at least over her modeling career, right? She's been a big deal for 10-15 years. How the hell do you maintain a snorting habit over a 10 year period?
Every self-respecting cokehead knows that you don't get a high from snorting for very long. Being that she's loaded, and can afford the primo blend, I would guess that she would lose her sensitivity, both in her nasal passages and in the brain receptors directly behind, after a good 3 or 4 years of snorting. Addicts who continue to use end up shooting the shit, because after awhile it's the only way to get high. She could've turned into a smoker, I suppose, but the sensitivity to smoking coke really only gets ya for a little while - the high is way too short. Most smokers, in my experience, then turn to crack.
So let's review. Kate Moss gets a pic shot of her snorting a couple of lines. Women around the world start rejoicing because they think they have her figured out - she is such a skinny mini because of her illegal drug habit.
X NAY on the REN FRAY. If Kate Moss had sustained a coke habit throughout her modeling career, she would've been a patron of the ol' BD syringe, ya know what I mean?
And if Ms. Moss had been a shooter, she not only would not be modeling, (she'd be in a ditch like Gia Carangi), but she certainly wouldn't be snorting lines in a music studio.
So give Kate a break. All the other actors/models/celebrities/musicians who dabble recreationally don't get hit for it. And she isn't a bad parent - you don't know her, bitch.