Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Hell = Cubicle

I admit that I have plenty of blog fodder at work, and I just don't bother to go there. Honestly, I just don't want to dedicate any more of my soul to that place. I hate being there, I hate a lot of the people there, and I hate the drive I have to make to get there. My car accident was a sign from God, you see, if I really believed that God cared about my hour long commute. God, in his ultimate, dreadlocked bearing wisdom, said "You quit. Life is short. See?"

Yes, I once thought that my work robbed my soul. In fact, my job has completely made me do a 180 on what I want to be when I grow up.

My mission in life is to find a job that doesn't involve people who are mentally masturbating on a 24/7 basis. I have no time for your cock stroking, assholes. If you really think it is important to do one hour long task in an 8 hour workday, and then go tell five people about it in precise, almost scripted clone-conversations that last about 45 minutes a piece, you are a miserable human being. If I like you enough, I would drop a 10 strip in your coffee. Whooooo Whhheeeee!

For the funniest post on work I have yet to see (a bit like "The Office", but on the web) go to:

Princess Tori needs her tiara stolen

Why the hell does Tori Spelling think she needs to apologize for her divorcing her husband of one year, Charlie Shanian? Is she that much of a spoiled JAP that she feels she has to regain some virginal purity for Daddy? Will apologizing publicly really do it?

What a freak. Where the hell are you in this world if your reality is composed of apologizing to the masses for your marital decisions.

As I told someone recently, most people post-divorce need congratulations, not "I'm sorry". You just made a decision that most likely made your life a hell of a lot better. Why the hell are they sorry about it?

Marriage - as in, being wed legally - is no longer a revered institution. I get the feeling this degradation of marriage as a sacred, symbolic act began with the construction of wedding chapels in Vegas. Have you ever seen pics of people who got married at those places in the '60s and '70s? They look freaking miserable. Plasticky day glo neon, smoky rooms with dingy green carpet (with the requisite diamond design), chlorine and liquor, sequined showgirls and DDD strippers do not make for a ceremony of sanctity. (I bet you could find this stuff at

What does it say about your love for someone? And don't give me that shit about how marriage isn't solely based on love. I'm a modern, independent woman, dammit, and I'll marry for love if I want to. I can make my own freaking billions. When you marry someone in the Gomorrah of modern Americana, does that mean that your feeling for your mate is plastic, day-glo, cigarrette smelly, liquor stained, and nouveau riche? How deep is that? I don't care who they get to design these new junk-bond funded palaces (Steve Wynn's monstrosities come to mind), they look tacky. Cheap. Easily put together. I doubt other architectural wonders of the modern world had that look in the beginning. I'm sure the Sphinx was still breathtaking and awe-inspiring the year it was complete.

But that's just my gut.

Get a grip, Tori. I hated you when you were Donna, and got drunk at Prom. I hated Donna when she slept with icky Brian Austin Green.

I hated you when you played the virginal good girl next to Parker Posey in "The House of Yes". Anyone who gets their Daddy to buy them a nose job at 16 is not virginal. And Parker Posey kicks ass. Even though it was gross, I'm glad she stole your man and slept with her brother. Because you suck.

Shut up and go play in your "doll room" in Daddy's mansion, or go gift wrap or some crap.

For more Tori apology news, visit my favorite Bastard:

Also see the Bastard's post: "Tori Spelling: Man, Woman, or Tranny?"

Monday, September 26, 2005

Kate Moss Guilt

I've been an uptight little wench lately. I admit I have watched Kate Moss' recent ordeal with an amused smile. In many ways, it seemed like fair comeuppance for the woman.

Why I dislike Kate Moss:

A. She broke into an industry that requires models to be 5'9'', when she is more like 5'7''. The only reason she booked contracts is her waifiness - at the time, the look was more Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista...curvy women. Now granted, I do think it is important that every woman is represented in fashion modeling. How else do you know how something will look if you don't see your body type strutting the catwalk, or at least getting decent photos?

Problem is, I don't see any real reason that we need someone who is underweight up there. Call me biased because of eating disorder mania. Then again, I suppose you could argue that we also need not see overweight folks, either, since most have eating disorders also....

B. The original waif model, Twiggy, had an amazing face. She looked like a cross between a doe and an elf. Kate Moss' face isn't that pretty, she kind of looks like a more vapid Jewel.

My ecstasy over this Kate Moss furor was fueled by others, I admit. Tell the truth - haven't you heard someone recently say, "So that is how she stays skinny!"

For the majority of us, who fight hard to try to be thin, using drugs seems like cheating. I bet even the bulimia crowd are downright indignant over the idea. "Dammit, if we were paid more than $2K per day, we would do drugs too! All we have is our nice pointer finger, filed sharply into a V-shape for better purging! SHE CAN"T DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I was interested to find an article about it in the NY Times today.
"Is Kate Moss 'Soapy'? 'A Minger'? That's What Some in Britain Say"
By TOM ZELLER JR., Published: September 26, 2005.

The article gives a bird's eye view of what Moss' countrymen think about her drug escapade. Most of the posts are prototypical, and don't really illuminate anything other than cool Brit speak. If you are "soapy", you are apparently a dirty douchebag.

Two posts in particular caught my attention, however. Written as a comment, and then a reply, I was faced with an argument that I had not yet considered.

From: lots2do
Posted: 9/18/2005

"When you bring a child into the world, you do that with the full knowledge that the little being needs love, warmth, security and protection against all the evils of the world, as best you can. ... So forgive people for thinking that Kate Moss deserves all she gets and that she looks grotty and needs a good wash (which she does), because most people are thinking of her child."

From: captainpenguin
Posted: 9/18/2005

"There are thousands of kids in this country with worse parents than Kate Moss. I'm not debating the values of good parenting, just questioning whether she qualifies as a bad mother when we know nothing about the details of her personal life, other than she's done some drugs. I'd be more worried about the crippling effects of living at the center of a world obsessed by image and looks. ..."

Wow. Talk about making me feel like an uptight old lady. The truth in "Captain Penguin" 's post is a bit astounding.

I don't condone drug addiction and parenthood, but the truth is, we don't even know this bitch. How the hell do we know that she is an addict? It isn't like she has a reputation in the supermodel world for outrageous, coked-up behavior, a la Naomi Campbell or Donatella Versace.

She could've just been snorting her yearly gram. I don't have a problem with that. I know quite a few former addicts that operate that way. "Gimme just a taste every once in a while, get it out of my system." In truth, this isn't usually successful for most people with a true addiction, but how the hell do we know. Some people are able to turn off the urges a bit, or quench the thirst, so to speak.

And as I reflect on the possibility that Kate Moss is an addict, I am left with another truth that I had failed to consider. If Kate's weight loss is due to her coke habit, then her coke habit would have to have lasted at least over her modeling career, right? She's been a big deal for 10-15 years. How the hell do you maintain a snorting habit over a 10 year period?

Every self-respecting cokehead knows that you don't get a high from snorting for very long. Being that she's loaded, and can afford the primo blend, I would guess that she would lose her sensitivity, both in her nasal passages and in the brain receptors directly behind, after a good 3 or 4 years of snorting. Addicts who continue to use end up shooting the shit, because after awhile it's the only way to get high. She could've turned into a smoker, I suppose, but the sensitivity to smoking coke really only gets ya for a little while - the high is way too short. Most smokers, in my experience, then turn to crack.

So let's review. Kate Moss gets a pic shot of her snorting a couple of lines. Women around the world start rejoicing because they think they have her figured out - she is such a skinny mini because of her illegal drug habit.
X NAY on the REN FRAY. If Kate Moss had sustained a coke habit throughout her modeling career, she would've been a patron of the ol' BD syringe, ya know what I mean?

And if Ms. Moss had been a shooter, she not only would not be modeling, (she'd be in a ditch like Gia Carangi), but she certainly wouldn't be snorting lines in a music studio.

So give Kate a break. All the other actors/models/celebrities/musicians who dabble recreationally don't get hit for it. And she isn't a bad parent - you don't know her, bitch.

CA Divorce Letter

(Forgive me if I have already posted this. I'm e-mail cleaning.)

Dear Red States,
We're ticked off at the way you've treated California, and we've decided we're leaving. We intend to form our own country, and we're taking the other Blue States with us. In case you aren't aware, that includes Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. We believe this split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially to the people of the new country of New California. To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states. We get stem cell research and the best beaches. We get Elliot Spitzer. You get Ken Lay. We get the Statue of Liberty. You get "Opry" Land. We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom. We get Harvard. You get Ole' Miss.

We get 85 percent of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs. You get Alabama. We get two-thirds of the tax revenue; you get to make the red states pay their fair share. Since our aggregate divorce rate is 22 percent lower than the Christian Coalition's, we get a bunch of happy families. You get a bunch of single moms.

Please be aware that Nuevo California will be pro-choice and anti-war, and we're going to want all our citizens back from Iraq at once. If you need people to fight, ask your evangelicals. They have kids they're apparently willing to send to their deaths for no purpose, and they don't care if you don't show pictures of their children's caskets coming home. We do wish you success in Iraq, and hope that the "WMD"s turn up, but we're not willing to spend our resources in Bush's Quagmire.

With the Blue States in hand, we will have firm control of 80 Percent of the country's fresh water, more than 90 percent of the pineapple and lettuce, 92 percent of the nation's fresh fruit, 95 percent of America's quality wines (you can serve French wines at state dinners), 90 percent of all cheese, 90 percent of the high tech industry, most of the U.S. low-sulfur coal, all living redwoods, sequoias> and condors, all the Ivy and Seven Sister schools, plus Stanford, Cal Tech and MIT.

With the Red States, on the other hand, you will> have to cope with 88 percent of all obese Americans (and their projected health care costs), 92 percent of all U.S. mosquitoes, nearly 100 percent of the tornadoes, 90 percent of the hurricanes, 99 percent of all Southern Baptists, virtually 100 percent of all televangelists, Rush Limbaugh, Bob Jones University, Clemson and the University of Georgia. We get Hollywood and Yosemite, thank you.

Additionally, 38 percent of those in the Red states believe Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale, 62 percent believe life is sacred unless we're discussing the death penalty or gun laws, 44 percent say That evolution is only a theory, 53 percent that Saddam was involved in 9/11 and 61 percent of you crazy bastards believe you are people> with higher morals then we lefties.

By the way, we're taking the good pot, too. You can have that dirt weed they grow in Mexico.


(Author Unknown in New California)


Ugly legs

I don't think it is very nice to point out people's physical flaws. This is mostly due to my constant self-inner speak about my own. ("Damn, your thighs are humongous. What are you, some freaking ice skater? Put that jello down, goddamnit.")

However, I found this spread on Junk Feud ( Saturday, September 24, 2005, Legs in Cars 3) that shows this horrendous pic of Christina Ricci climbing out of a car, in her underwear, and showing off her icky legs.

Granted, it's a photo from a movie set, most likely another flick directed by Tim Burton, and starring Ms. Ricci and Johnny Depp, who is constantly signing on for flicks with her because he has to. I'm pretty sure she blackmailed him during the early '90s, and told him that she would expose his bisexual tendencies on set if he didn't star with her every opportunity he got, and make her look less like an alien.

So in this particular growdy legged photo, Christina is climbing out of a car, after arriving at the ER, just prior to working her magic on some Doc with her sad, pathetic whine about how Johnny Depp raped her. (Note the black eye she is sporting, with minute flecks of Depp's Vamp nailpolish. He really laid it on her, girls, just like a woman. He does us proud.)

Check out her thighs.

Someone please tell me if I'm wrong here, but I thought celebrities were being paid all this mad money to sport amazing legs. For example, Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a Horse of Jewish Descent, but she has the most amazing pair of legs I can think of. Example 2: Charlize Theron can't act worth a damn, but I'm going to see Aon Flux because her legs are absolutely amazing, and once I see them clad in black leather bodysuiting, I can hate her for real, yo. Example 3: Melanie Griffith looks like my Mom, fer real, yet I can't stop watching Working Girl because she makes those little minidresses look perky in a business like way. Although I may not see that hair color working on Wall Street, I can totally see why Harrison Ford would want to do her.

I don't pay that little former trailer park denizen my $10 at the theatre, when I go see The Legend of Sleepy Hollow or other goofshitty films, because I hope her thighs got uglier, or wish that her knees haven't seen the light of a good loofah. Are those bone spurs on her upper calves, or are the proboscises sticking out? What the hell.

Granted, the dress in this pic is amazing, and on my must steal list., her eyes are just way too Dachau-chic for me, nes pas? If her nose was a little bigger, or her chin, we could market her in an exotic way. Why can't we throw her in a tanning bed for a month? Her eyes would look more soulful, and she would be a little brazilian, instead of a vampire mutant from Mars/Italy.

Girl, you make mad money. Go get yourself a makeover. Even Ms.Tyra could give you a mentoring.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Jet Blue Plane

I'm sure you've heard the recent scoop about the emergency landing of a Jet Blue plane at LAX. This morning, I found information about the celebrity passengers aboard.

On the plane were Kelly Carson, who plays blonde bombshell Kimber in the hit television show Nip/Tuck; DJ Qualls, who starred in the movie Road Trip,,11069-1792389,00.html; and actress Taryn Manning

The DJ Qualls dude I can live without. Who is into these skinny, geeky looking white boys with the cool rave names that are really just hip hop derivatives. Dude, your name is Ernest (I'm guessing here). Go by ER or some shit.

However, the presence of the two actresses, who barely averted tragedy, did warrant some mention from me.

I watched my first episode of Nip/Tuck the other night - it was the Season 2 premiere. Not only did I absolutely love the show - even though I have to close my eyes when they pull a scalpel out - but I may have added a new male to my "5 hottest actors under 40" list. Julian McMahon isn't for real. And that voice. Who would expect a voice like his to go with a face like that? Wow.

If you missed the show, don't read on.

The best part was the threesome at the end of the show, with Julian McMahon's character, Dr. Christian Troy; the Homicide Detective investigating the recent serial killings, along with Christian's sodomy/assault (the scene of him getting poked is one of the most deviant scenes I think they have put on TV ever. When they play "Leaving Las Vegas", they won't even show Elisabeth Shue getting gang raped. Christian's rape is just as twisted and growdy), and Christian's sex kitten, Kelly Carlson.

Kelly isn't the prettiest, the brunette po-po is way, way hotter, but I don't want her to die in some plane crash. Then the Nip/Tuck people won't have someone to do the "threes a crowd, let's have a threesome and make it alright" scenes.

Taryn Manning is an icon in her own right. She was Eminem's pregnant ex-girlfriend, Janine, in 8 Mile. She completely represented every white trash girl in America who gets pregnant to keep her man. Because her portrayal of this classic American character was so impeccable, she doesn't need to die either.

Ladies, and DJ Dorky, I'm glad you're okay. Go back to work and make more slutty, white trashy characters for me to enjoy.

Austin Remembered - From September 9, 2005

(Note: I apologize for taking so long posting this. I saved this in my Drafts folder, and just couldn't finish it. I guess I am trying not to remember that I am back in Georgia - land of chicanery and carpetbaggers)

Austin Remembered - September 9, 2005

By the time our plane landed at Dallas-Fort Worth, and I had regained my luggage, it was almost noon (Eastern Time) and we were starving. After driving around in circles on the outskirts of Dallas, searching for a phantom breakfast spot called La Peepe, the decision was made to stop at a restaurant that just wouldn't get out of the corner of our eyes. You see, the restaurant carried my last name. Granted, my last name isn't uncommon, but it definitely isn't a 'Smith' or a 'James' or a 'Thompson'. I had a little background on the Texas origins of my paternal ancestry, which kind of ruined the surprise. My last name also is the name of a town just outside of Lubbock, once the homestead of another ancestor.

Still, it seemed like some kind of welcome home to find this cutesy country diner, well appointed in middle-class kitsch (country blue and baby pink come to mind), on the corner of a busy access road next to the freeway. The food was country and decent, and I was grateful to have a thermos of coffee plopped down in front of me. I knew something was amiss when Z got into a bit of a quarrel with the 60-something waitress. He was ecstatic to find a breakfast dish with no eggs, and had immediately chosen it.

When his plate arrived, the look of dismay on his face made me want to give him a huge hug. Underneath the onions, bellpeppers, sausage, bacon, hash browns and cheese was an enormous omelet. Upon returning to our table to refill our drinks, Z asked the waitress to take his dish back; he had not asked for eggs with his breakfast. The waitress, in a rather solemn, perfunctory manner, grabbed a menu out of her apron pocket, placed it in front of Z, and, standing over his shoulder, physically pointed out the fine print that stated the presence of eggs in poor Z's plate.

I feel I must describe this scene a bit more candidly. Z was ashen and furry-faced, having had stayed up all night due to his excitement about coming home to Texas. He had not eaten since 8 PM the evening prior, and had begun to have that spinny disco ball of insanity start revolving in his eyes - the true sign of complete exhaustion coupled with hunger and adrenaline-fueled energy.

The waitress, we'll call her Ruth, was a tall, solid woman. She wore her salt-and-pepper hair in a thick, braided bun on the back of her noble head. Ruth was one of those women who probably raised her 13 siblings during the height of WWII, while her daddy was behind a cannon in Lombard, and her momma was working a huge industrial machine that punched bolt holes into portions of aircraft. Ruth was serious about everything, in a practical, hardworking manner. She lost her appetite for nonsense early. When she was five, she helped her momma deliver her stillborn baby brother Charlie in the back of the family's '32 Ford Model T. Her daddy had run into town looking for help, and Ruth was left alone by her mother's side. Ruth never forgot that moment - a 23 year old Texas cowboy's wife, turning purple in the face while she sweat, the sweet, brackish scent of her body fluids soaking into the canvas upholstery. Her momma's teeth were clenched so tight Ruth worried that she might have bitten her lips off already.

In this present day scene, Ruth definitely negated the common restaurant anthem, "The customer is always right." Ruth didn't need to ass-kiss or apologize. Her damn menu said eggs were on the plate. By god, there were eggs on that raspy-voiced knucklehead's plate. He seemed a bit flighty and high-strung. Maybe he should have read the menu a bit more carefully, and his goddamn eggs wouldn't have made it on his plate.

MY ANALYSIS OF TEXAS: As always, you all can accuse me of "reading too much into it". Ruth was a good example of what folks in Texas are like. While I believe they are fun-loving (Blues is really a celebration, don't let anyone fool you. If you were that pissed off and mournful about the world, you certainly wouldn't be up on some stage singing an American dirge about it) I also believe that Texans have a seriousness to them that is different. Please keep in mind I am from the plasticky day-glo confines of California, the most shallow place on Earth. However, I think I have a bit of experience in reality, having had lived in bum fu&% Northwest Georgia for over 10 years (interspersed with sojourns into South Carolina, Florida, Tennessee and Alabama. About six years ago, during a state of crisis, I almost moved to Maryland. Anyway, back to the story).
You see, if I didn't have this entry into the real world to contrast with the fluorescent pink upbringing, I would be unable to give some unbiased opinion. We'll take a stab at it.

I think Texas is the first state on the border of the West. I can only remember having had waitresses in California, Arizona or Nevada approach their customers with such blunt honesty. There is something different there - you don't find natives with such candid honesty in other places, other than maybe the midwest. (I'm thinking Iowa - Grandma was from there and she could make you pee your pants with her diatribe). Maybe it's a Dustbowl-immigrant thing. Perhaps it's the humongous rattlesnakes, and life without tall trees around to shade you from the blistering sun. Whatever. I like it. Somehow my own ruthless honesty - that which normally shocks people and repels them - doesn't seem all that extreme. I'm just one of the bunch, you see. I don't want a life where I don't say what I think. I don't want to have to put the editing tab on my inner voice. And I certainly don't want some waitress kissing my ass. If the print says eggs, dammit, there are eggs.

Congress Street Bat Festival Posted by Picasa

Vamping it on the way to Austin, by Charky the Toofy Mac Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I want to know what the hell my coworkers are eating

The girls bathroom smells really bad, all the time. Whether it's sour broccoli or tanning oil or stale parmesan, I can't deal.

This just kind of reiterates my whole theory that I am a mutant. ( We were watching cartoons, and started playing the "Well you're not a mutant and I am and here is why" game.

- I'm not hairy, thank god. I might shave my legs 2x per month, and you can't tell. Itty bitty little blond hairs. My arms don't even look like they have any hair.

- I don't get acne, and I never have. About once a month, I sprout one pimple. It's a hormone thing.

- I'm not stinky. I'm a firm believer that most people wear too much cologne or perfume because they naturally smell really bad. I don't. I admit I get halitosis when my blood sugar is continuously high - it'll smell like grape juice - but that's it. Even my BO isn't all that apparent.

- I can weigh a ton and most people have absolutely no clue. I think it's a height thing, but it is also a butt thing. You see, the perfect booty requires every single perfect pound to create that singular, perfect arch. Somehow, I never gain any there so it doesn't get any fatter and the slope doesn't alter.

- I'm only a foot fetishist about my own feet. Feet are nasty, gross and repulsive. Look at your feet. Mentally cut off your toes, and imagine the stump. Weird looking, isn't it? Puts a whole new perspective on climbing Mt. Everest and losing toes, doesn't it? My feet are ridiculously pretty. I should be a foot model for Opi. I'm not kidding. Remind me to take a pic after my next pedicure and I'll hook y'all up. You'll become a Anywhere-But-Here foot fetishist also.

- My bellybutton doesn't get linty.

- I don't get ear wax. In fact, I don't think I have ever seen anything on the Q-tip. And I am religious about cleaning, trust me. I can tell you some earwax horror stories about my ex husband. What is it with men and earwax.

- I have really strong shoulders and soccer legs. My shoulders were useful for backstroke, and my legs were great for kicking field goals. I watched football with Z the other day and told him that the kickers were absolutely ridiculous. I have no compassion for someone who gets paid to kick the ball and can't do it.

- I'm genetically predisposed, on both sides, to look 30 when I am 50. Right now I'm in the family age phase of looking permanently 28 or so. It will last until I hit 42, then I'll look 30.

Next post: The icky things about being a mutant.

Monday, September 19, 2005

This is old skool, but y'all don't care cuz you haven't seen it. My friend wanted some kind of nutjob irish tattoo ( I think they call it 'celtic'). After I googled "celtic" on google images, I found this celtic garter belt. WHOO HOO! LET'S GET MARRIED BABY! WHERE THE HELL IS MY VAMP NAIL POLISH AND MY WHITE VAMPIRE CONTACTS TO GO WITH MY BUSTIER FROM REN FEST?????  Posted by Picasa

What the hell. You ever feel like your sari ass laundry is just not hanging right? Too many clothespins up your seamy ass? I don't feel that way. Sorry you do. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Here is the pic of Carrot Top my friend Holly sent - amazing what a little red headed geek can only question is, "Why is he wearing lipstick?" Posted by Picasa

Eclipse - October 3rd Posted by Picasa

Astrological Update: Week of September 18, 2005

Screw you if you don't believe in astrology, this is my fuc&ing blog. I am only posting this because some of this is fairly important.

A few updates, from my favorite celestial weather man,

"As the week begins on Sunday we feel contradictory energies, as we will all week. Venus, the planet that symbolizes our feelings and interpersonal reactions, pulls us back into ourselves and makes us hesitate more than we should. A few hours later, Venus is liberated by an equally powerful link with Uranus, and we’re feeling frisky. So if you find yourself uptight one minute and then wild and crazy the next, you’re right in tune. It’s sort of like a cosmic Hokey-Pokey: you put your right foot in, your put your right foot out, you put your right foot in and wiggle all about…

Equally contradictory but far less amusing and far greater in duration is the Mars – Pluto angle that is dominating the skies. Mars is slowing to enter his semi-annual retrograde period on October 1st. This is a routine frustration for Aries people, and it’s normally a good time to dust off an old project and restart it. This still applies in some cases, but Mars makes his change of motion in exact angle with Pluto, his partner in the destructive-creative forces of our world. These reinforcing energies, which many of us are likely to feel need no reinforcement these days, are coming from zodiac signs that don’t harmonize: Mars in Taurus and Pluto in Sagittarius. Taurus is quite happy to stay put and tough things out. He’s the prototypical immovable object, solid and steady, even stubborn. Sagittarius can’t stand to stay put; he craves motion and new horizons. He operates “on high” whether it’s the upper strata of society, corporate, religious, or political life, or just socially climbing in his/her milieu. So we’re entering a period when we’re inclined (especially if our natal horoscope connects with these two agitators) to aggressively resist change and strike back from inside the walls of our emotional and ideological fortress/prisons. Meanwhile, Pluto is tunneling under our walls and exploding out in the cultural value wars we’ve suffered with for several years. This combination of forces that is simultaneously terrified of change and committed to extreme retribution can push people over the edge. The appeal of a stick of dynamite may be hard to resist, be it actual dynamite or merely an emotional reaction.

When Mercury enters Libra on Tuesday, it may help us be more objective in these stressful times and situations. Here Mercury can articulate and perceive other points of view and talk his way through to a diplomatic solution.

The Autumnal Equinox on occurs at 3:24pm/6:24pm on Thursday with Pluto exactly overhead in the U.S. capitol. This indicates continued pressure on our leaders to manage crisis and change.

Also connected with Mars (who’s at 7 o’clock) is Jupiter in Libra. Jupiter and Pluto form the Y pattern that’s been discussed several times previously in these reports. Jupiter is the home planet for Sagittarius and thus puts additional and similarly expansive, over the border pressure on Mars who is determined to resist.

Since the Equinox comes at sunset for the U.S., the sun is setting and indicates the focus for this fall will continue on relationships (wars and treaties are both relationships) with other nations. In the 9 and 10 o’clock positions are Uranus and Neptune. This is an area of the horoscope called the “House of Karma.” It symbolizes matters that operate on us from an unseen place, or matters in which we behave unconsciously and often to our own detriment. Uranus and Neptune have been and will be sending resonating energy back and forth for several years. The sense we have that no one’s in charge and/or no one knows what’s happening is a fair expression of this.

I write this not to raise fears but to put current and coming events into perspective. The rate of change has been accelerating since the beginning of the 20th century. The diffusion of technology (Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius) catalyzes this radical re-shaping of human society. Currently we lack the institutional tools to deal with this new world. We’re here at the birth moments of a new form of civilization, and if you’ve ever been present at a birth you know it’s often accompanied by pain and suffering…almost always followed by great joy.

We have two eclipses coming up, October 3rd and 17th. Eclipses lift all the ambient energy to high levels. Some of us soar and some crash and burn. Some systems can’t handle the high current flow and smoke into failure. These are times to remember to take breaks, treasure the small joys of daily life and friendships, and to treat each other with utmost kindness, not only for its virtue, but also for its survival benefits.

On Saturday Venus makes a square with Neptune. She does this twice a year and puts a bright shine on people creating magical special moments in our lives. The trick is to enjoy these moments without clinging to them. Amidst the glamour and mist, it’s easy to be confused or to project what is desired onto what is. And therein lies the source of much disappointment. This is not a time to sign a contract, but it is a time to set goals with the full knowledge that even partial progress toward them is healthy. A wise philosopher once said, “You can wish in one hand and “poop” in the other and see which fills up first.” "

Friday, September 16, 2005

Elijah Wood is Very, Very Gay

Absolutely hilarious.

The pic is priceless, too. What the fuc$ was Elijah's stylist thinking by putting him in an outfit like that (see through button down, leather-esque pants)???? Poor baby Elijah's little boy boobies are a bit, well, pointy. Not sexy taut man boobies like you would see on the cover of The Advocate. And the leather-esque pants are too big. Why doesn't Elijah let the leather-esque hug his crotch and rear end? Gimme a break. The poor kid looks like he was dressed by the Kmart stylist.

If Elijah Wood is really gay, I can direct you heartbroken 18-24 year old girls to his very heterosexual, very buff and tan twin. I know him. He's a little pimp, too. Concerned with the ladies' good time, if ya know what I mean. Gimme a holla and I'll hook ya up.

Disclaimer: The aforementioned reference to Anywhere But Here's heterosexual Elijah Wood's twin-friend is in no way an offer of prostitution/pandering. Any fees rendered from such encounters are only fees for advertising, and do not suggest any untoward relationships between the Elijah Wood lookalike and Anywhere.

Georgia Power's Plant Bowen is spewing poisonous mercury

I've said it before, and I will say it again: Plant Bowen, our nearby coal-burning power plant that was grandfathered in by the Bush Family et al (didn't have to meet EPA pollution standards until just recently, got away from a lot of levied fines over the years) is one of the scariest things about this podunk state.

I utterly believe that Plant Bowen gets away with this because of the amount of poverty, ignorance, and minorities that reside in the area. Where the fuc& is the NAACP when you need them?

Group study: Bowen belches too much mercury
Brandon Johnson Staff Writer
Published September 13, 2005 9:39 PM CDT[rkey=0035314+[cr

Americans Have Sex (who would've thunk it)

The National Center for Health Statistics released their comprehensive compilation of a survey of US sex practices. For the NY Times article, go here:

A few fast facts:

1. They finally proved our teenagers are sticking things in their mouths, and like it:
"55 percent of the boys and 54 percent of the girls having given or received oral sex, while 49 percent of the boys and 53 percent of the girls have had intercourse."

2. This isn't just teenage boys pestering our poor young girls for blowjobs, either:
"One thing that surprised me is that we expected, based on anecdotal evidence, that girls might be more likely to give oral sex and boys more likely to receive it, but we didn't find that at all," said Dr. Jennifer Manlove, of Child Trends, which, like Ms. Brown's group, released an analysis of the data, "There's more gender equality than we expected."

3. Teen girls like teen girls. I have had a recent revelation about this, so I can attest it is true.

"When asked, "Have you ever had any sexual experience of any kind with any female?" 14 percent of the 18- to 29-year-old women said yes, compared with slightly under 10 percent of the 30- to 44-year-olds. That difference was surprising, Dr. Mosher said, since on questions about lifetime experience, older people usually report more than younger ones."

4. Americans don't have as much sex with as many people as they claim.

"Men age 30 to 44 have had a median of six to eight sexual partners in their lifetimes; women's median was about four."

No comment on that one.

What can we surmise from these findings? Americans like to screw, are beginning to do it with both sexes, and at early ages, are giving head. What an epiphany.

As I may have mentioned before, my partner in crime, Z, is an avid gamer. This usually provides plenty of chuckles and giggles when I tell someone this- whether after I leave the room, or right in front of me. Somehow, back in the '80s when Dungeons & Dragons really peaked, people got the impression that gamers were really just a new face for nerds. You know, those goofballs with pocket protectors and thick glasses and overwhelming acne.

For those of you who know a gaming geek, read this:

True story about a gaming geek with really bad social anxiety syndrome, who can't get laid. He uses gaming to help him meet people. "If I go talk to that woman, I will get 3+ power points", and etc...truly funny stuff.

You're laughing now. Asshole.
(Refer to "The Breakfast Club" for more analysis)

Me, I hung out with everyone. I guess I found a reason to like everybody. What's wrong with that?

However, I do admit to having a deep, subconscious desire for geeks. Perhaps not as aggressively as Shannon Elizabeth in "American Pie:2", but I always have a twitch in my mouth about the geek in the room. I can't help it. I always found it incredibly sexy to be smart, and even sexier if you are smarter than I am (Ring Ring goes the streak of narcissism).

Think about it. Lots of geeks are hot, and getting hotter by the minute:

Bill Gates: How could the richest geek in the world not be hot? Ever see pics of his self-sustaining techie mansion-compound? What women doesn't want to run the richest guy in the world's charity?

Lloyd Dobbler If you haven't seen my favorite love movie, "Say Anything", scroll down. If you have, you know that John Cusack was the hottest chameleon/kickboxing geek ever. Wow.

Cameron Crowe If I mention "Say Anything", I have to mention Cameron Crowe. The guy behind "Say Anything", "Vanilla Sky", "Jerry Maguire", "Almost Famous" and "Singles" is one of the hottest geeks ever. Besides, he's married to Nancy Wilson, "the skinny one" from Heart. Arguably the band behind some of the best love ballads of all time, and one of my secret addictions. Yes, I sing the CD through while I'm driving. Now I can't get "Magic Man" out of my head.

Carrot Top: Don't even start on me. I didn't begin to feel this way until my friend Holly sent me a pic of buffed out Carrot Top:
Just google his name to see - he really does look like that. Sorry, I have a thing for male redheads. I dated one who kind of looked like a taller, skinnier Carrot Top, and was utterly disappointed to find out it would never work in bed for us.

Leonardo DiCaprio: I certainly don't find him hot, I like my men looking like men. But lots of chicks do like the little man-boy. And I hate to break it to you, girls, but Leo is a geek. Men don't look like plucked chickens, drive a Prius, and talk about the solar panels on the roof of their house. And if they do, they are geeks, and are perfectly acceptable.


I'm a "Discoverer-of-New-Bands-junkie". I admit it. This tool may prove to be the coolest thing for people like me.


Tell Me What I Like

"Helping users search out new music is the goal of Pandora, an online music discovery tool. This type of application is nothing new, though the way it goes about it is cool: it looks at how the music itself sounds, analyzing close to 400 distinct attributes. It's in beta right now, you can try 10 hours for free. A yearly subscription is $36 dollars."

I tried to explain this to a few friends last week, and they gave me this look of utter confusion. I admit that I don't make a lot of sense sometimes when I verbally communicate. But shit, people, at least pretend that I don't sound like a moron.

For those of you who may appreciate this, I applaud you for at least taking the time to read my freaking blog and hearing what I have to say.

Okay, now I am no longer suffering from low self esteem.

Jude Law Nekkid

Just in case you wanted to see.

Somehow, amateur pics of nude people aren't very stimulating. If you have seen amateur porn vs. pro porn, you know the difference. Skin folds hair wrinkles sweat body discolorations and the works.

I heard a bit from the radio this morning that Brad Pitt is working on a movie with a supposed 2+ minute nudie scene (nekkid, in the shower, with a washcloth). Apparently it's one of the longest nude scenes with an A lister. I'm all about airbrushing. Go Brad. I wonder if he'll get parts models.

I wonder how you market yourself in Hollywood as a parts model. Do you call up an agent and say, "Hi, I'm so-and-so. I have a really big dick." ???????? It must be difficult for women, too. How do you work with male agents? Do they refer to you as "the bitch with the gorgeous tits." ?????? I'm envisioning a scene ( a la Jerry Maguire-like agency) that has some hilarity. I can totally see that actor Jay Mohr (Bob Sugar, the slimy agent) telling his buddies over a beer that he was busy locating a parts model that morning:

"Brad thinks his pecker is too small, know anyone?"

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Skip Brittenham, Fly Fishing and "The River Runs Through It"

I signed on for a Forbes account a couple of years ago, and I have discovered that they continually harass me with a barrage of e-mails, usually with articles I am not interested in. I am unsure what the hell is going on with them - business news needs an element of readability added to it so that it seems more like an intriguing Vanity Fair article, versus something technical and dry. Forbes usually perfects this recipe. Problem is, their subject matter as of late sucks. Tell me how ol' Chris Lambert is doing post Kmart/Sears. Tell me about the Delta CEO - how is he holding up? Spotted drinking too many gin-and-tonics at the golf course?

Imagine my surprise when I get an excellent business article from the LA Times. Yes, I think the paper is generally a pretty outstanding read. No, I don't usually tap into it for more than the Food, Style, or Legal news section.

Today you can read about Skip Brittenham - one of the most influential entertainment attorneys in the city. He's so well respected for his negotiating prowess that he represents both sides, without any allegations of conflict of interest. Self made man, married to the actress from "The Fall Guy".

"He Reels In The Big Deals" -

Entertainment attorney Skip Brittenham has clients on all sides of the table. His many fans see assets, not entanglements.
By Claudia Eller, Times Staff Writer. September 15, 2005.,0,1148510.story?coll=la-home-business

I have to comment on his passion for flyfishing, you see. I felt like Hollywood understood my family when they made the movie "A River Runs Through It", and I made the book a shelf favorite. You see, both the characters in that book and my own family have similar origins: scotch-welsh presbyterian (well read and frozen chosen), and we take our anxieties out in fly fishing. Even the authors' description of the clock form of fly fishing was dead on. I need a vacation.

The fact that Brittenham flies around the world to fish for trout in New Zealand on the spur of the moment - wow. You're the man, dude. I only wish. I can totally identify the mindset of a type A personality, aggressive, narcissistic, and self-deprecating, who would want to attend a power meeting on Friday night, then take an overnighter for a four day fishing trip.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about Self-Actualization lately. Unfortunately, I'm at a point in my life where a lot is going well, but I desperately need some fun. I've just been lacking the creativity and inspiration. What the hell. Adulthood can really bring you down with the minutiae of life, you know? It's kind of pathetic that I am stressed out over stuff that is really dumb - my broken lumbar support in my driver's seat in the truck, house-hunting, lack of sleep, debts...

Come on, everybody. Let's go live a bit, and have a good time, and laugh. We need it right now, especially with the world events of recent past. (Don't get me started on the presidential TV interupption tonight at 9 PM central)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

California Dreamin'

Yes, there is plenty I don't talk about when it comes to my home state. A few notables I'll try to only mention once (for preserving shock value)

- By 13, all of my friends had played around with crystal meth and heroin. Community in the top ten of Forbes' Most Expensive U.S. Cities list, not the Hollywood strip.

- My best friend was given a credit card by her mother when she dropped us off at the mall. I usually had $30 from babysitting. She was told, "Don't max it out. I just paid it off again."

And so on.

With great amusement (well, not really. More like shame) I read defamer's blog posts and links to news about Amanda Scheerer Demme, the hottest property to walk L.A.'s streets since that cute Johnny Knoxville-lookalike introduced Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan, Tara Reid et al to the incredible anorexic powers of cocaine.

Amanda Demme is a "lifestyle producer", and basically her current paying job is running a Studio 54-like pool bar alongside the newly restored Tropicana hotel. This thing reeks of exclusivity, and the young, middle-aged, old and washed up of Hollywood are dying for entry. Amanda strictly dictates who will be allowed into this tropical oasis in the midst of the smog.

Read about Mrs. Demme. Her pics are wonderfully manipulated - resembling Andy Warhol or Jackson Browne in their coollest, most exclusive heydays.

Posted under Clubs: Nightlife: Tropicana.

My Idol For This Month

Wow. What a way to make me feel like a piece of doggie doo. My nomination for lady of the year. Read about the Pillsbury WASP who gave all of her money away in her belief in philanthropy/buddhism. If Buddha and this nice lady can do it, why can't you?

Born into great wealth, Tracy Gary finds happiness in giving her money away
David Ian Miller, Special to SF Gate
Monday, September 12, 2005


( I'm dragging ass, I apologize. Somehow, I just don't feel like talking about myself this week. What the hell.)


If you work in an office of lecherous men who wouldn't mind, feel free. No real nudity, just a little thigh, the top of a breast...

Actually my website find for yesterday, but I'm playing catchup. Read about the "Queen of the Sky", a flight attendant who was fired for posting her sexy flight attendant pics on the web. No stripper is she, but I'm sure there are plenty of sexual roleplaying folks out there who love the idea of a flight attendant straddling them in that growdy jet bathroom.

Besides, after flying Airtran last week, I can tell you she makes their flight attendants look like hogs. I've yet to see a hot Airtran flight attendant. Z disagrees, of course. Feel free to inform me of my ignorance.

Anyway, give her blog a read. Pretty interesting. I think she has retained labor counsel, and is giving that big yucky airline a run for their money. Let's hope she gets it before they lose it on their own.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Finally, a law blog with more than just opinions.

The Family Law Prof Blog.

Info about an invaluable resource, Maps Illustrating State Laws and Policies Related to Same-Sex Relationships.
Featured maps include: Statewide Marriage Laws, Relationship Recognition, and Second-Parent/Stepparent Adoption Laws. By the Human Rights Campaign.

Go here to see the difference in your states.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

I had completely forgotten how a PG-13 movie could make me freak out. Did you people ever see "The Lady in White"? I saw that movie as a kid, and I kid you not, I was nightmarish for weeks. If not months.

Loved "The Exorcism of Emily Rose". Go see it. Nice for not-over-the-top spooks.

And, for those of you who don't mind spoiling the movie, go visit

Tells the true story behind this movie, about one of the last approved exorcisms conducted by the Catholic Church in the 70's. The Austrian girl's name was Anneliese Michel, and her story is nearly as creepy as the movie.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Americana/Pop Culture/Rock Star Trivia YOU SHOULD NOT MISS

I'm having a really hard time with the news lately. Yes, I am a selfish bitc& and I am tired of crying about Katrina. No, I don't want to read/see any more profiles in human tragedy.

Imagine my thrill about todays article in the San Francisco Chronicle,
"A Rhinestone Cowboy Who Grabbed Cars by the Horns". Provides a bit of Americana/Pop Culture/Rock Star Trivia/Hollywoodisms that I didn't know about.

Read about the coolest rhinestone-clad Jew in California. Good fun. Love the car. Who wouldn't want a custom Pontiac Grand Ville, covered in rhinestones, with a stage-like platform custom attached to the back end? You could travel around the country with that thing, and make money by singing karaoke at country fairs. Collect tips on the back of your car.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Science of Cooking (also known as, "Why your biscuits are hard as a rock"

I'm big on the science of cooking. I don't really know why, I just have great memories of my childhood, measuring flour for pancakes and bread, playing with yeast and etc.

Cooking is like some big chemical experiment, and you can eat your lab results. A few books address this (Encyclopedia Gastronomique et al). For example, "Why shouldn't you salt your steak/hamburger in the early process of prep?"

Found a new website to play with. Learn about fun with science, in a foodie kind of way.

I'm beginning to think I need a search engine customized for me so I can store all of my favorite sites. I'm running out of room in the old favorites column.

Singaporean defers army service to play computer games

See I'm all at once glad that the country recognizes online gaming as a sport (?) and deeply, deeply disturbed....

Friday, September 02, 2005

Off to Austin. Blog Hiatus. Resume normal posting 9/7/05 Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 01, 2005

$$$$ for Hurricane Katrina Victim?


I just heard from my friend Rodney (Rodney Toady, or the student who ran for congress for those of you that remember) - he's a student at Loyola and is now stranded somewhere in Indiana with his roommate's family. Fortunately, they evacuated at the first voluntary evacuation and are physically okay. Unfortunately, Rodney is a classically starving student -worked a couple of admin jobs and waited tables while he studied - and has about $60 left. No word, of course, on his possessions in his dorm.

I sent him the info from the FEMA site, I get the feeling he isn't really doing too well (crying, traumatized, etc.) and he can't research ways to get help.

If anyone has any ideas about who Rodney could call/ask/contact for emergency relief assistance ($$$), so he can afford to head to another University, I would appreciate the help. Please post info in the comments section, I will be happy to distribute to Rodney's email.

Much love.

Sign up at the National Next of Kin Registry

Inspiring in light of Hurricane Katrina. and "The Lone Surfer of Montana, Kansas"

I love, have I mentioned that? It's this site that catalogues random finds around the country - little notes, pictures, drawings and etc. that people discover. The grocery list in the book you bought at a thrift store? The photo you discover in your hotel room closet? The hate mail you see in the gutter? Lots of fun, I promise.

The author/compiler of FOUND, Davy Rothbart, has written a book, and generally has pretty decent taste. Surfing around his site, I found a recommendation for another one of his books:

"The Lone Surfer of Montana, Kansas"

A short excerpt of the summary:

A few years ago, I was driving on a small two-lane highway through rural Kansas when I saw a bizarre and riveting sight—-a teenage kid had slung a surfboard between two dead tractors in the middle of a cornfield and was balanced on top, like he was practicing how to surf. Here he was, thousands of miles from either coast, the sun setting in glorious colors behind him—-I was mesmerized and sat there watching for ten minutes or so, and then I drove away; I don’t think he even saw me. But that image of him surfing in the cornfields stuck with me, and my curiosity about him kept growing more intense, so finally I decided to write a story about him, imagining what his life was like and what might have happened had our paths intersected.

Love it. On my "Will buy when I have a more reasonable balance on the credit card" list.

Feeling a bit anal retentive

So forgive me if I wanna post quotes about perfection, and avoiding mediocrity. Remind me to post about how my life has taken a turn towards a Jerry Springer episode, but in a good way.

There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos
Jim Hightower

It's a sign of mediocrity when you demonstrate gratitude with moderation. Roberto Benigni

I like armadillos. I don't think I should gank one in TX. They carry leprosy, did you know that?

Freaky little bastards. They should have an alien movie with armadillos. They could infest the human population with leprosy, and fly off in little armadillo shuttles. They don't even need space suits, their shell will protect them. We could put those bubble helmets on em, though. Little fuc&ers gotta breathe.

Black People Loot, White People Find

Yes, I am a day late and a dollar short. Although everyone else in the blogging stratosphere has posted about this, I figured I would hook you "Anywhere-But-Ites" up. For real, yo.

Read about how the Associated Press clearly discerns between white people and black people as they rampage the stores in the Gulf Coast. I was thinking about this earlier when I saw a yahoo pic with this white dude in a Wally-world, who said he was "gathering supplies" for hurricane victims. My ass. Dude, at least hide the Spalding shoe box in the bottom of the cart before you smile for the AP photographer.

If I manage to grab a minute tonight, I will post pics. I'm packing for the Austin plane in the morn, and don't have a bunch of time....

Wish me luck on 6th Street, plan on massive hangovers for a few days...I wonder if blues and booze eliminate next-day headaches.